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http://www.100md.com 《滨州医学院学报》 2005年第2期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨青年人胃癌的临床、内镜及病理特点。方法 1986年1月至2004年8月间我院确诊≤35岁的青年人胃癌119例,对其临床、内镜及病理特征进行总结分析。结果 青年人胃癌随着年龄的增长发病率增高,男性多于女性,但≤30岁患者女性多于男性;临床表现缺乏特异性,易与慢性胃炎和溃疡病相混淆,易延误诊断,临床晚期癌多见;内镜受检率较低,以BorrmannⅢ型多见;病理组织学分化差,恶性程度高。结论 提高对青年人胃癌的认识,重视胃病检查,特别是胃镜检查,做到早期诊断、早期治疗,是改善预后的关键。

    【关键词】 青年人;胃癌;内镜检查;病理

    Endoscopic and clinicopathological analysis of 119 cases of gastric carcinoma in young patients

    JIN Shilu1 LIU Baozhen1 GUO Jihong2

    1 Binzhou People's Hospital,Binzhou 256610;2 Affiliated Hospital of Binzhou Medical College

    【Abstract】 Objective The purpose of this study was to explore the endoscopic and clinicopathological features of gastric carcinoma in young patients.Methods 119 case of gastric carcinoma in young patients (≤35 years) in our hospitak were anakysed for their endoscopic and ckinicopathokogicak features.Results The incidence of gastric carcinoma in young patients increased with age.The incidencl of female patients less than 30 years was higher than that of male patients.Young gastric carcinoma patients have adverse clinical features in comparison with chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer.Fewer endoscopic examinations were undergone in young patients than in old patients.Most gastric carcinoma in young patients were high grade of malignancy,advanced stage,Borrmann Ⅲ and poorly differentiation.Conclusions The keys to improve the prognosis of gastric carcinoma in young patients were to improve our cognitions of it,pay attention to the examination of gastropathy especially the endoscopic examination,try our best to diagnosis and treat them early. ......

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