摘要:目的:研究大黄提取纯化的工艺条件及参数。方法:以大黄总蒽醌的提取率及洗脱率为考察指标,考察大黄的提取条件及大孔吸附树脂富集、纯化大黄总蒽醌的吸附性能和洗脱参数。结果:大黄加水重沸煎煮3次,每次加水15倍量,20 min/次,有效成分可提取完全。通过大孔吸附树脂富集与纯化,用70%乙醇洗脱,总蒽醌的洗脱收率在80%以上,总固物收率明显降低至6.45%。结论:该实验所确定的提取及纯化工艺对大黄总蒽醌的富集是切实可行的。关键词:大黄;大黄总蒽醌;提取;纯化;大孔吸附树脂
Study on Extraction and Purification Process of Total Anthraquinone in Rheum
JIN Bo, LI Wei, CAI Wei
(Institute of Materia Medica, Yangze River Pharmacy Group Taizhou, Jiangsu 225321, China)
Abstract:Objective:To study the extracting conditions and purification process parameters of Rheum.Methods:The extracting conditions and adsorptive characteristics and elutive parameters of the process were studied by taking the extraction efficiency and purified ratio of Rheum as mark.Results:The optimum extracting condition was to add 15 times amount of water extract for three times, 20 minutes each time, the effective composition can be extracted completely. With macroporous adsorption resin to adsorb and purify, eluted with 70% ethanol, the elutive ration of total anthraquinone was above 80%, the solid matters were obviously reduced to 6.45%.Conclusion:The preparation process to extract and purity total anthraquinone was feasible. ......
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