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http://www.100md.com 《时珍国医国药》 2005年第8期
     摘要:目的:了解金石斛属植物化学成分和药理作用的国内外研究状况。方法:查阅国内外有关金石斛属植物研究的文献,了解上述两方面的基本情况。结果与结论:目前金石斛属植物研究所涉及的种类仅3种, 从该属植物中分离出化学成分30余种,包括菲类、二萜、联苄、苯丙素、木脂素、酚酸、甾体和脂肪族化合物等结构类型。一些成分在抗氧化、抗血小板聚集和抑制糖蛋白等方面显示了较好的活性。开展金石斛属植物的研究,对发现新的药用活性成分及资源保护有重要意义。


    Advance on the Chemical and Pharmacological Studies on Plants of Flickingeria Genus

    CHEN Yegao, WANG Hongyan

    (Department of Chemistry, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650092, China)

    Abstract:Objective:To understand the status of chemical and pharmacological studies on plants of the genus Flickingeria.Methods:To investigate the literature in the world on the chemical and pharmacological studies on the genus.Results and Conclusion:Only three species of Flickingeria genus were studied and more than 30 compounds were isolated and characterized including phenanthrens, diterpenoids, bibenzyls, phenyl propanoids, lignans, phenolic acids, sterols and aliphatic compounds, and some exhibited antioxidant, antiplatelet aggregation and glycoprotein inhibitory activities. Studies on plants of the genus would have important significance to the finding of new bioactive compounds and the protection of resources. ......

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