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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代眼科学杂志》 2005年第6期
     【摘要】 全球近视发病率呈上升趋势,东亚更是最高发地区,中国、日本和新加坡近年患近视人数骤升;中国患者人数已突破六千万,居世界之首。近视的成因复杂,已知其与环境及遗传因素有关,长期近距离视物是促成近视的主要原因;中医学则责之于心肝肾不足。本文综述近视的分类、成因、中西医治疗方法、前沿性治疗、饮食疗法以及近视的预防。

    【关键词】 近视;激光矫视手术;近视基因

    【Abstract】 The incidence rate of myopia has emerged a global trend of escalation, East Asia is the highest prevalent area. In recent years, China, Japan and Singapore have suffered from a severe rise of near sightedness. There are over sixty million myopias in China, ranking first in the world. The development of myopia are complex, it may be influenced by environmental and hereditary factors, with prolonged near work being the primary cause.Traditional Chinese medicine blames the disorder relating to deficiency of heart, liver and kidney. This article reviews the classification of myopia, etiologies, potential therapies by Chinese and Western medicines, new therapeutic means, diet treatment, as well as prophylactics for nearsightedness.

    【Key words】 myopia;LASIK;myopia gene

    人眼如同正透镜,在休止状态时,其屈光度(diopter, D)是58.64D,最大调节时可达70.57D。近视眼是眼睛屈光力过强,在不用调节的情况下,来自5米以外的平行光线进入眼内,经变凸的晶状体过度屈折后,不能聚焦在视网膜黄斑部中心凹处 ......

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