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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代眼科学杂志》 2005年第6期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨外伤性泪小管断裂吻合手术使用麻醉导管作支撑物的效果和并发症。方法 23例泪小管断裂患者,以麻醉导管作支撑物,在显微镜下吻合断裂的泪小管。结果 随访1~4年,发现使用麻醉导管作支撑物的吻合术23眼中有5眼泪点外翻,占21.74%。结论 麻醉导管质地较硬,长期留置易造成泪点外翻。

    【关键词】 泪小管断裂;支撑材料;吻合术;并发症

    The clinical analysis of anesthetic duct as supporter to treat lacrimal canaliculi fracture

    LU Hong-e,WEN Li,JIA Chang-wei,et al.

    The Central Hospital of Binzhou,Binzhou 251700,China

    【Abstract】 Objective To introduce the operative methods for traumatic lacrimal canaliculi fracture,and analyse the effects and the complications of using anesthetic duct as supporter.Methods 23 cases were used anesthetic duct as supporter to join fractured lacrimal canaliculi,under operation microscope.Results To follow-up for 1-4 years found that 5 eyes were lacrimal puncta ectropion,which all were used anesthetic duct as supporter,the occurrence rate is 21.74%.Conclusion Anesthetic duct is hard,it can results into the attaractive function of lacrimal canaliculi is unable appearance if putting there long time. ......

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