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http://www.100md.com 《中国热带医学杂志》 2005年第4期
     摘要:目的 了解梅毒孕妇及其先天梅毒患儿的临床特点及血清、脑脊液梅毒抗体的检测情况。 方法 对40例梅毒孕妇及其所产婴儿进行了临床特点和血清、脑脊液梅毒抗体的分析。 结果 40例梅毒孕妇中,潜伏梅毒占87.5%,TPPA检测均阳性,RPR阳性的有35例,滴度介于1:1~1:128之间;40例先天梅毒患儿中出现皮疹的有14例(35%),有骨损害表现的6例(15%),由于母亲患梅毒而就诊的16例(40%),RPR检测阳性33例(82.5%),滴度介于1:1~1:64之间,2例RPR异常增高,滴度为1:128。脑脊液常规检查显示,45%患儿淋巴细胞增高,50%蛋白增多,22.5%梅毒抗体检测阳性。 结论 应重视妊娠期梅毒筛查,对于确诊的先天梅毒患儿,注意无症状神经梅毒的发生,为正确评价病情和治疗有重大意义。


    Clinical manifestations of syphilis pregnants and congenital syphilis infants and analysis of treponemal antibody.

    WU Chang-hui ,YANG Bing-yan ,LIANG Lian-hui ,et al.

    (1.Dermatosis Dispensary of Zhongshan Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Zhongshan528402;2.Shongshan Municipal Boai Hospital,Zhongshan528400,Guangdong,P.R.China)

    Abstract:Objective To understand the clinical features of pregnants and their infants with congenital syphilis and the detection of antibody against congenital syphilis in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid. Methods The clinical features and detection results of antibodies against syphilis in the40pregnant women and infants with congenital syphilis were analyzed. Results 87.5%od the pregnant women infected withwere latent syphilis and all of themwere positive byTPPA and35of themwere positive by RPRwith the titres between1:1and1:128.rashes occurred to14infants(35%) ......

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