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http://www.100md.com 《新疆医科大学学报》 2005年第6期
     摘要: 目的: 研究氟化钠、氟保护剂、氟微量元素矿化液3种氟制剂对年轻恒牙早期釉质龋表层下脱矿的再矿化作用。方法: 初萌于口腔的正畸减数拔除的双尖牙60颗,置乳酸凝胶中形成人工釉质龋,将釉质脱矿的年轻恒牙随机分成3组,每组20颗牙,每组中的每颗牙沿近远中纵向剖开,一半为实验牙面,一半为对照牙面。3组实验牙面分别用氟化钠、氟保护剂、氟微量元素矿化液处理,对照牙面用去离子水。显微硬度测试仪测定釉质的显微硬度值(KHN)。结果:3种氟制剂均使脱矿的牙釉质KHN升高,与对照牙面相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);氟微量元素矿化液作用后牙釉质KHN升高最明显,与氟化钠、氟保护剂相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.001),氟化钠与氟保护剂相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:3种氟制剂均可促进年轻恒牙脱矿釉质的再矿化,其中氟微量元素矿化液作用最强。

    关键词:年轻恒牙; 氟制剂; 釉质龋; 再矿化

    A study of the demineralization and remineralization on enamel of young permanent teeth

    ZHAO Jin,LI Weixin,Liu Yishan,et al

    (Department of Stomatology, First Affiliated Hospital, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi 830054, China)

    Abstract:Objective: To study the effect of remineralization of three cariespreparative reagent on artificial demineralization lesion of young permanent teeth enamel caries. Methods: 60 nocaries young premolars were selected from orthodontic teeth extraction and artificial caries lesion were formed with lactic acid gel. Then all speciments were divided into 3 groups, each group had 20 teeth, every tooth was divided into two parts, one part was experimental group, the rest was control group. Experimental group were treated with NaF, fluorid protector and remineralization solution containing trace elements respectively, and the control group were not processed. The hardness of enamel were measured by microhardness detected. Results: Compared with the control group, all the experimental group had significant differences (P<0.01), especially the remineralization solution group. Compared with NaF and fluoride protector, the remineralization solution group had significant difference (P<0.001), but there was no significant difference between the NaF and fluoride protector(P>0.05). Conclusion: The three cariespreparative reagent have remineralization effect on young permanent teeth, especially the remineralization solution containing trace elements. ......

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