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    Capilary Electrophoresis Separation of Six 5′2Monophosphate

    Nucleotides in Guanidine Carbonate Buffer

    Zhou Wenfeng ,Yuan Zhuobin


    ( Institute of Applied Chemistry , The Graduate School of the University of Science & Technology of China , Beijing 100039)

    Abstracts Six 5′2monophosphate nucleotides were separated by using guanidine carbonate as running electrolyte.

    The effect of separation conditions was studied. The Linear range , regression equation and detection limit were giv2

    en. The linear range of six nucleotides was (mg/ L) : thymidine25′2monophosphate (TMP) : 5~350 ; adenosine25′2

    monophosphate (AMP) : 2~300 ; cytidine25′2monophosphate (CMP) : 10~400 ; quanosine25′2monophosphate dis2

    odium salts ( GMP) : 5~350 ; inosine25′2monophosphate disodium salt hydrate ( IMP) : 10~400 ; uridine25′2

    monophosphate (UMP) : 10~400. The detection limit was (mg/ L) : TMP : 1 , AMP : 015 , CMP : 2 , GMP : 1 ,IMP : 2 ; UMP : 2. A comparision was made between the guanidine carbonate and Na2CO3

    2NaHCO3 as running elec2


    Keywords Guanidine , capillary electrophoresis , nucleotides

    (Received 10 September 2003 ; accepted 6 February 2004)


    国内统一刊号:CN1122017/ TF

    国际CODEN 码:FENSE4


    国际标准刊号: ISSN100020720

    邮发代号:82 - 431

    广告经营许可证:京西工商广字第0038 号

    《分析试验室》是中文核心期刊,月刊,国内外公开发行。1982 年创刊,目前已成为我国著名的分析化学专业刊物。





    绍影响广泛的分析化学领域国际学术会议。2004 年新设“特邀专家评论”,聚焦当前科研重点、难点、热点。

    《分析试验室》每期定价10 元,全年12 期,120 元。


    编辑部地址:北京新街口外大街2 号,邮编100088

    电话:010 - 82013328 ,E2mail :analysislab @263. net

    8 7 1 1 分析化学第32 卷, 百拇医药