提要: 本文详细介绍了血吸虫病传播数学模型,特别是适用于日本血吸虫病的Barbour双宿主模型,阐述了血吸虫病传播动力学理论;从基本繁殖率概念中提出了血吸虫病传播能量,即基本传播速率的概念和算式;通过现场实例的计算,揭示了血吸虫病传播流行的特征;介绍了应用数学模型评价和预测各项控制措施效应的可能性。关键词:血吸虫病;数学模型;传播动力学;应用
Mathematical model and transmission dynamics of schistosomiasis and its application.
WU Kai-chen.
(Center for Control and Prevention of Parasitic Diseases,National Center for Diseases Control and Prevention,Shang-hai200025,P.R.China)
Abstract: The present paper introduced mathematical model for transmission of schistosomiasis especially about Barbour's two-host model suitable for Schistosomiasis japonica and elaborated the theory of transmission dynamics of schistosomiasis.It is proposed that the concept and the formula of transmission capacity i.e.basic transmission veloci-ty of schistosomiasis from the concept of basic reproduction rate.Through the dynamics calculation for fields data the endemic characteristics of schistosomiasis were revealed.This paper also introduced the possibility of using the models for evaluating and predicting the effect of various control measures.
Key words:Schistosomiasis;Mathematic model;Transmission dynamic;Application ......
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