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http://www.100md.com 《中华实用医药杂志》 2004年第24期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨两种男性乳房发育症手术方法的疗效。 方法 近8年来我们对188例男性乳房发育症患者(共248侧乳房)采用了两种手术方法。采用传统方法手术治疗72例,92侧;采用乳晕小切口治疗116例,156侧。 结果 每侧乳房切除增生的乳腺组织约50~150g。术后随访12~36个月。传统手术组,术后切口瘢痕明显、感染13侧、乳头坏死7侧、复发12侧;乳晕小切口组术后乳晕切口瘢痕不明显,感染8侧、乳头坏死2侧、复发8侧。 结论 乳小切口手术疗效优于传统手术,具有外观好、并发症少等特点。

    关键词 男性乳房发育症 外科手术

    The analysis about effect of two operating methods for treating gynecomastia

    Chen Rongjian,Zhan Liying,Zhang Boping

    Department of General Surgery,The184th Hospital of PLA,Yintan,Jianxi335000.

    【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the effect of two operating methods for treating gynecomastia.Methods In the past6years we treated188cases(248sites)of gynecomastia.Among them,72cases(92sites)underwent the traditional operation and116cases(156sites)underwent micro-incision of areola.Results 50~150grams mamma-ry gland tissue was resected from one breast.Followed-up from12to36months after operation.There have signifi-cantly operateing scar and13cases infected ......

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