【摘要】 鼻咽癌是中国耳鼻喉科最常见的恶性肿瘤,现代医学指出鼻咽癌的成因可能与种族、遗传、环境及病毒等因素有关;中医则认为鼻咽癌主要因先天禀赋薄弱、饮食内伤及情志不遂引致。现最常用的诊断方法为血清易普斯坦—巴尔病毒(EBV)抗体检查,但早期症状不明显,很多患者都在中、晚期才开始就诊。西医治疗鼻咽癌的主要方法有放射、化学及手术治疗等。中医则采用扶正祛邪为总纲,其中包括祛痰散结、活血散结、泻火解毒及固本培元法等。本文旨在从中西医理论探讨鼻咽癌的病因病机和治疗,并阐述其若能有机结合,互补不足,能更有效地攻克鼻咽癌。
【关键词】 鼻咽癌;易普斯坦—巴尔病毒;放射治疗;化学治疗;扶正祛邪
【Abstract】 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is the most common otolaryngological malignant tumor in China. According to modern medicine, the etiological factors for NPC may be associated to race, familial heredity, environment, virus, etc; while Chinese medicine believes that NPC is mainly caused by congenitally deficiency, improper diet and emotional disturbance. The current most commonly used diagnostic method is EBV serological test. However, since the incipient symptoms are usually not obvious, many patients approach doctors at advanced stages of the disease. The major treatment modalities used by western medical practitioners to treat NPC include: radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery, etc. The main theme of treatment modality applied by the Chinese medical practitioners is strengthening body resistance to eliminate pathogen, which includes removing phlegm and promoting blood circulation to eliminate nodes, removing heat and relieving poison, reinforcing and strengthening the primordial qi. If Chinese and western medicine can organically integrate to complement the insufficiency of each other, they definitely can manage NPC more effectively. ......
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