【摘要】 目的 研究笑气吸入性无痛人流的疗效和技巧。方法 将252例早孕且要求人流的妇女随机分为观察组和对照组。观察组术前、术中给予心理诱导,其他处理措施与对照组相同。观察比较两组的术中疼痛程度、术中出血量、术中血压、心率变化和不良反应。结果 观察组镇痛效果明显优于对照组(P<0.01),差异有非常显著性。结论 笑气吸入性无痛人流需受术者很好配合方能达到满意效果,术前、术中心理诱导有助受术者配合,值得妇产科临床推广使用。【关键词】 笑气;人流;心理诱导
Clinical study on psychological induction and inhale nitrous oxide for induced abortion pain
WU Ping,YANG Hong-bing,YU Zhen-xiu.
Three Gorge Central Hospital,Chongqing 404000,China
【Abstract】 Objective To study the curative effect and skill of inhale nitrous oxide for induced abortion pain relief.Methods 252 early pregnant women were randomly divided into the observational group and the control group.The control group was given the same treatments as that in the observational group but psychological lead.The degree of operation pains,quantity of hemorrhage,change of blood press and heartbeat rate,and side effect were compared between the two groups.Results The operation pains in the observational group was significantly less than that in the control group(P<0.01).Conclusion Operation with inhale nitrous oxide for induced abortion pain need sufferers cooperate well,psychological induction help them cooperate better. ......
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