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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代外科学杂志》 2005年第18期
     【摘要】 目的 观察和研究铜离子介入治疗内痔出血的疗效。方法 收集Ⅰ~Ⅲ度内痔出血的病人共计914例,分为铜离子介入组701例和药物治疗组213例进行对比观察,铜离子治疗组采用治疗仪一次性治疗。药物治疗组采用内服和外用药物治疗的方法,有外用皮肤康洗液、化痔栓,口服药物有消脱止等,每例患者用药1个月。结果 铜离子组治疗后2天第1次排便不再出血者,Ⅰ度87例,占92例的94.57%;Ⅱ度158例,占242例的65.29%;Ⅲ度215例,占367例的58.58%。1个月内不出血者:Ⅰ度92例,占92例的100.00%;Ⅱ度242例,占242例的100.00%;Ⅲ度367例,占367例的100.00%。药物对照组用药后2天排便均有出血,但Ⅰ度有7例自觉出血量减少;Ⅱ度有4例自觉出血量减少;Ⅲ度有1例自觉出血量减少。用药1个月之内出血停止者:Ⅰ度75例,占79例的94.94%;Ⅱ度64例,占71例的90.14%;Ⅲ度47例,占63例的74.60%。结论 本组对照研究铜离子治疗对痔出血有止血迅速,疗效显著的作用。

    【关键词】 铜离子;内痔;药物治疗

    Cuprum-ions advantage in therapy of the comparison of curative effects between copper ion interventional and pharmaceutical

    CHANG Bao-zhi,HUANG Yan-ting,HU Zhang-shun,et al.

    The First Hospital of Peking University, Beijing 100034,China

    【Abstract】 Objective To study the better way for the treatment of internel hemorrhoid hemorrhage.Methods 914 patients with internel hemorrhoid hemorrhage of degree Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ were studied.2 groups were divided 701 cases were treated by using copper-ion interventional therapy for one time another 213 cases by pharmaceutical therapy including local suppositories and venotensive drugs by mouth.Results The patients in the copper-ion group had bleeding stopped after defecation 2 days later,87 with degree Ⅰ constituting 94.57% of 92,158 cases with degree 2 constituting 65.29% of 242,367 cases, degree Ⅲ taking 57.58% of 367.The patients in the copper-ion group had hemorrhoids stopped after detection 2 days later, in which 87 cases with degree Ⅰ in 92 cases constituting 94.6% 242 with degree Ⅱ.in the parmaceutical group, no patients had the bleeding stopped in 2 days after detection, but a few the bleeding decreases, in the period of one month, 75 cases with degree Ⅰ 75 cases had no bleeding again, constituting 94.9%.Conclusion By the therapy of the 701 patients and contrast with the 213 patients adopted conservative therapy, we could find that about 95% patients of degree Ⅰ stopped bleeding after 2 days, and 100.00% after 1 week.Patient of degree Ⅱ and Ⅲ, about 60% stopped bleeding after 2 days, 70% after 1 week, and 100.00% after 3 to 4 weeks.According to the comparison of hemostatic effects between intervetional and pharmaceutical therapy,it seems to us that, the former was more rapidly and effectively for stopping the internal hemorrhoid bleeding. ......

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