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http://www.100md.com 《中华实用医药杂志》 2005年第20期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨经皮心包穿刺置管持续引流心包积液的疗效及安全性。方法 46例中等量到大量心包积液的患者在超声引导下穿刺置管行心包持续引流。结果 46例患者均置管成功,留置时间平均8天(5~16天),均无组织脏器损伤及感染。3例发生导管堵塞,经肝素生理盐水冲洗后再通。结论 经皮心包穿刺置管持续引流是一种安全、有效的治疗心包积液方法。

    【关键词】 心包积液; 心包穿刺; 置管引流

    【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the effectiveness and safety of percutaneous pericardial drainage with indwelling catheter.Methods A kind of central vein catheter was percutaneously indwelled for pericardial drainage in 46 patients with moderate or severe amount of pericardial effusion under the guidc of echocardiography.Results The procedures of indwelling catheter drainage for pericardial effusion were successfully performed in all 46 patients,and the catheters were remained for 5-16days without tissue or organ injury nor secondary infection.Catheter obstruction was found in 3 case.Conclusion Percutaneous indwelling pericardiocentesis is a simple ......

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