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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代儿科学杂志》 2005年第10期
     【摘要】 目的 为了解儿童淋病患者支原体感染的情况,进一步查清儿童淋病合并感染的情况。方法 对儿科门诊89例儿童淋病患者病灶部拭子标本进行7种支原体、念珠菌、滴虫等病原体检测。结果 82例女童中23例检出支原体(28.05%),检出念珠菌和滴虫各1例(1.22%);7例男童中3例(42.86%)检出支原体。解脲脲原体(Uu)、人型支原体(Mh)、肺炎支原体(Mpn)、穿通支原体(Mpe)、生殖支原体(Mg)、发酵支原体(Mf)、梨支原体(Mpi)7种支原体的检出率分别为20.22%,8.54%,3.38%,4.49%,3.38%,0,0。儿童淋病患者合并支原体感染率为29.20%。结论 儿童泌尿生殖道感染者淋菌和支原体为主要病原菌。

    【关键词】 儿童;淋病;支原体

    Study on the epidemic status of mycoplasma of children with gonorrhea

    WANG Ji-dong,ZHAO Li-ping,LI Qin,et al.

    Affiliated Hospital of Southern Yangtze University,Wuxi 214073,China

    【Abstract】 Objective To determine the relationship between the presence of mycoplasma and the inflammatory disease in children with gonorrhea by investigating species of mycoplasma and the other infectious organisms.Methods 89 cases of samples were gotten with tampon pick from the lesions of children with gonorrhea.The species of microorganism were identified by microorganism cultivation and nPCR technique.Results (1)From 89 girls,mycoplasma was detected in 23 cases(28.05%)and monilia,trichomonas were detected in 1 case(1.20%).From 7 boys,mycoplasma was detected in 3 cases(42.82%).(2)From 89 cases of children patients,the detectable rate of 7 species of mycoplasma were ureaplasma urealyticum(Uu)20.22%,mycoplasma hominis(Mh)8.54%,mycoplasmas pneumoniae(Mpn)3.38%,mycoplasmas penetrans(Mpe)4.49%,mycoplasmas genitalium(Mg)3.38%.There was not any mycoplasmas fermentans(Mf)and mycoplasmas pirum(Mpi)that had detected in all patients.(3)The infectious rate of diplococcus gonorrheas complicated by mycoplasmas infection was 29.20% in children with gonorrhea.Conclusion The main organisms were diplococcus gonorrhea and mycoplasmas that lead to infectious diseases in urinogenital tract in children. ......

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