于洪波, 戴 林, 彭海英, 牟新春, 左 中
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于洪波, 戴林, 牟新春, 解放军大连210医院消化内科 辽宁省大连市 116021
彭海英, 沈阳军区大连疗养院桃源疗区检验科 辽宁省大连市 116013
左中, 解放军大连210医院病理科 辽宁省大连市 116021
于洪波, 男, 1975-01-05生, 辽宁省沈阳市人, 汉族, 2002年大连医科大学医学硕士, 主治医师, 主要从事肝脏疾病的基础和临床研究.
通讯作者: 于洪波, 116021, 辽宁省大连市西岗区胜利路80号, 解放军大连210医院消化内科. yhbman2000@yahoo.com
电话: 0411-83785427 传真: 0411-83785103
收稿日期: 2005-09-10 接受日期: 2005-09-30
Effects of compound from Chinese medicine on oxidation and anti-oxidation system of rat liver with steatohepatitis induced by high-fat diets
Hong-Bo Yu, Lin Dai, Hai-Ying Peng, Xin-Chun Mou, Zhong Zuo
Hong-Bo Yu, Lin Dai, Xin-Chun Mou, Department of Gastro-enterology, 210 Hospital of Chinese PLA, Dalian 116021, Liaoning Province, China
Hai-Ying Peng, Laboratory of Convalescent Hospital of Shenyang Military Command, Dalian 116013, Liaoning Province, China
Zhong Zuo, Department of Pathology, 210 Hospital of Chinese PLA, Dalian 116021, Liaoning Province, China
Correspondence to: Hong-Bo Yu, Department of Gastroenterology, 210 Hospital of Chinese PLA, 80 Shengli Road, Xigang District, Dalian 116021, Liaoning Province, China. yhbman2000@yahoo.com
Received: 2005-09-10 Accepted: 2005-09-30
AIM: To explore the action of oxygen stress and lipid peroxidation in the establishment of steatohepatitis and the action mechanisms of compound from Chinese medicine (CCM) in the treatment of steatohepatitis in rats fed by high-fat diets.
METHODS: Sixty male Sprague Dawley rats were randomly assigned into 6 groups. The rats fed by normal food served as the controls. The rats in model groups (Ⅰ, Ⅱ) were fed with high-fat diets, and those in medication Ⅰ and Ⅱ group were given CCM 9 and 13 wk after high-fat diets feeding. The rats in diet therapeutic group were fed with normal food 13 wk after high-fat diet feeding. The animal in control, model Ⅰ, and medication Ⅰ group were killed at 12 wk, and the rest ones were killed at 16 wk ......