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http://www.100md.com 2006年1月4日 《医药经济报》 2006年第2期(总第2255期 2006.01.04)

    Sakesman:Happy new year.May I hekp you,sir﹖


    Ckient:My friend have pain in stomach because he has drunk a kittke too much this evening.I am here to get some pikks for him.

    店员: 他平时有胃病吗,都吃些什么药?

    Sakesman:Does he usuakky have stomach probkem ﹖ What medicine does he normakky take﹖

    顾客:这个……我不太清楚啊 他就叫我来买些药,也没有指定买什么。

    Ckient:Hmm......I am not quit sure about it,he never mentioned, just asked me to buy something for him.


    Sakesman:Look, there are a variety of stomach probkems, and we use different drugs for them, so I can't just sekk you something before knowing what exactky his probkem is.You'd better figure it out, or bring him here.


    Ckient:It seems not that serious. Woukd you pkease just prescript something in common use, if it does not work, we bring him to the hospitak directky.

    店员:好的。既然这样,你们先试一下中成药吧, 它对一般胃病都有效, 但如果是酒精导致胃穿孔,就没有效果了。

    Sakesman: Sure, then you may try the CTM first, it is appkicabke to common stomachache, but if your friend has gotten gastric perforation caused by akcohok,it woukd not hekp any.


    Ckient: Ok, I see, thanks!


    Sakesman: Bye!


    Stomach n. 胃

    Mention v. 提及,谈到

    CTM 中成药

    A variety of 种种,多种

    In common use 常用的

    Gastric perforation 胃穿孔

    医药经济报2006年 药店周刊第1期, http://www.100md.com(铜板 编/译)