关键词: 义齿;义齿衬垫材料;光弹应力分析摘 要:目的 确定义齿软衬材料的硬度与其分散咬合压力能力的关系,寻找义齿软衬材料最佳硬度范围,为临床应用提供指导. 方法 采用实验光弹应力分析法,以表面有模拟小骨突及粘膜的牙槽骨光弹模型为应力分析对象,测试了在衬有不同硬度软衬垫的义齿模型压迫下,光弹模型骨突处产生应力的大小. 结果 模拟咬合压力在300~500N范围内,使用硬度为邵氏(A)50的软衬垫,模拟骨突下应力条纹值明显小于使用其他4种硬度(Shore A28,35,41,57)软衬垫所得条纹值. 结论 义齿软衬材料的硬度与其分散压力能力有密切的关系,硬度为邵氏(A)50的软衬材料缓冲、分散压力的能力明显优于其他硬度的材料.
Hardness of soft lining materials and pressure dis┐tribution
ZHAO Xin-Yi,CAI Hong-Dan,SHI Chang-Xi
1 Department of Dental Materials,3 Department of Prosthodontics,School of Stomatology,Fourth Military Medical University,Xi'an710033,China,2 202Hospital of PLA
Keywards:denture;denture liner;photoelastic stress analysis
Abstract:AIM To determine the influence of the hardness of soft lining materials on the pressure distribution in the mandibula mould.METHODS A denture mould underlined with resilient liner was loaded on a mandibula mould on which there is a simulated protuberance and covered by rub-ber mucosa.There were five resilient liners with Shore A hardness of28 ......
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