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http://www.100md.com 《第四军医大学学报》 2001年第2期
     关键词: 乳头状瘤病毒,人;角蛋白细胞;细胞,培养的;生物学特性

    摘 要:目的 培养人原代乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染阳性皮肤角朊细胞,观察其生物学特性. 方法 取患者新鲜疣体及正常包皮皮肤组织,用胰酶消化法培养角朊细胞,观察其生长情况,绘制细胞生长曲线图,用PCR及原位杂交方法检测上述细胞. 结果 HPV阳性角朊细胞(PK)在1640液中生长情况良好,增殖速度较正常角朊细胞快. 结论 PK细胞在1640液中生长情况良好,适合作为HPV感染动物模型用于进一步研究.

    Primary culture and biologic characters of human papillomavirus positive keratinocytes

    YAN Quan-Jian,ZHANG Ju,YAN Xiao-Jun,DUAN Jie,ZHANG Yu-Mei,ZHAO Jin-Rong,SU Cheng-Zhi

    Institute of Genetic Diagnosis Technology of Chi-nese PLA,Fourth Military Medical University,Xi'an710033,China

    Keywords:papillomavirus,human;keratinocytes;cells,cul-ture;biologic characters

    Abstract:AIM To investigate the biologic characters of HPV positive keratinocytes in culture.METHODS By pro-tecting the cell growth curve,we studied the distinctness of growth character between HPV positive keratinocytes(PK)and normal keratinocytes(NK).HPV positive keratinocytes were confirmed by PCR and DNA hybridization.RESULTS PK proliferated more quickly than NK ......

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