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http://www.100md.com 《第四军医大学学报》 2001年第2期
     关键词: 军事人员;监测,生理学

    摘 要:目的 研制单兵生理信息监测系统. 方法 连续监测单兵或伤员的体温、脉搏和运动状态等生理参数. 结果 应用该系统,可以了解战士生命状态,对伤员进行及时救治. 结论 该系统可以检测单兵生理信息并进行传输.

    Design of monitoring system of soldier physiological information

    LI Hong-Yi,WANG Jian-Qi,YANG Guo-Sheng,ZHU Xin-Ya,JIAO Chun

    Department of Electronics,Faculty of Biomedical Engineering,Fourth Military Medical University,Xi'an710033,China

    Keywords:military personnel;monitoring,physiologic

    Abstract:AIM To develop the monitoring system of soldier physiological information.METHODS Temperature,pulse and status of soldiers were being monitored continually.RE┐SULTS By using the monitoring system ......

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