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http://www.100md.com 《第四军医大学学报》 2001年第15期
     关键词: P物质;辣根过氧化物酶;耳蜗核;免疫组织化学

    摘 要:目的 研究豚鼠耳蜗核P物质(SP)免疫反应阳性产物的分布特点及SP标记神经元向下丘投射方式. 方法 采用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)逆行追踪及免疫组织化学技术. 结果 SP免疫反应(SP-IR)阳性的纤维和终末主要分布在耳蜗背侧核,而SP-IR阳性神经元主要分布在耳蜗腹侧核,在腹侧核尚可见SP阳性终末包绕SP阳性胞体形成环形结构.一侧下丘中央核注入HRP后,对侧耳蜗核HRP标记细胞分布于耳蜗前腹核及背侧核,耳蜗后腹核呈阴性反应.同侧耳蜗后腹核HRP标记神经元数量也较少.在对侧耳蜗前腹核,HRP-SP双标神经元约占标记细胞的44%,SP单标细胞占标记细胞的50%,HRP单标细胞占6%.耳蜗背侧核内侧也可见少量的双标细胞. 结论 SP是耳蜗核上行投射神经元的递质或调质.

    Projection of substance P positive neurons from cochlear neucleus to inferior colliculus:Retrograde tracing of HRP and immunohistochemical double┐labeled technique

    QIU Jian-Hua,QIAO Li,LIU Shun-Li,HUANG Wei-Guo,WANG Jin-Ling

    Department of Otorhinolaryngology,Xijing Hospi-tal,Fourth Military Medical University,Xi'an710033,China

    Keywords:substance P;horseradish peroxidase;cochlear nucleus;immunohistochemistry

    Abstract:AIM To study the distribution characteristics of substance P(SP)immunoreactive(SP-IR)positive neurons in cochlear nucleus and projection pattern of labeled neurons and SP-HRP double labeled neurons from cochlear nucleus to inferior colliculus(IC).METHODS Immunohistochemistry and horseradish peroxidase(HRP)retrograde tracing tech-nique were used in this study.RESULTS SP-IR positive fibers and endings were distributed mainly in dorsal cochlear nucleus(DCN).But SP-IR positive neurons mainly in ven-tral cochlear nucleus(VCN).The circular structure of SP positive terminals around the SP positive neurons also was seen in VCN.When HRP was injected into the central nucle-us of IC ......

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