The Clinical Curative Effect of Yangxueqingnao Granule for the Senile Dementia
WANG Quan, WANG Yao,SUN Wan-jun
(The First People's Hospital of Xuzhou, Jiangsu, 221002, China)
Abstract:Objective:To observe the therapeutic effect of Yangxueqingnao granule for senile dementia.Methods:Treating group (36 patients) was given Yangxueqingnao granule, at the same time, write down the course and data and then compare with the control group (34 persons in good health).Results:We can find that the effective rate in the treating group was 85%, S-TC was lower remarkably than the control group, P-SOD was higher, P-LPO, Ht, Va were lower, EET was shorter.Conclusion: Yangxueqingnao granule has the function of cutting down the lipid, preventing the abnormal blood flow, improving cerebral blood flow, and so on. Also,it is good for preventing and curing senile dementia. ......
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