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http://www.100md.com 《第四军医大学学报》 2001年第12期
     关键词: 肝炎病毒,乙型;前S/S基因;相似株;变异(遗传学)

    摘 要:目的 探讨HBsAg阳性孕妇体内HBV病毒前S/S基因变异的状况. 方法 应用全长PCR技术从4例表面抗原阳性孕妇血清中扩增出HBV全长基因,将其克隆于pUC19载体,每例随机筛选5个阳性克隆,对其前S/S区进行序列分析. 结果 4例患者各克隆间均存在碱基的差异,此类患者体内HBV株同源性较差. 结论 HBsAg阳性孕妇体内HBV株呈“相似株”分布.

    Quasispecies of HBV preS/S gene in HBsAg carry┐ing pregnant women

    LI Duan,YAN Yong-Ping,XU De-Zhong,ZHANG Jing-Xia

    Department of Epidemiology,Faculty of Preventive Medicine,Fourth Military Medical University,Xi'an710033,China

    Keywords:hepatitis B virus;preS/S gene;quasispecies;variation(genetics)

    Abstract:AIM To study the mutation of HBV preS/S gene in HBsAg carrying pregnant women.METHODS Full-length polymerase chain reaction(PCR)was used to amplify whole HBV gene from sera of4HBsAg carrying pregnant women.The full-length PCR products were cloned into pUC19vector,5clones were obtained every woman and subgenomic PCR was used to amplify HBV preS/S gene for DNA sequencing.RESULTS Compared with the wild-type HBV C,all clones exhibited base insertion and substitution.CONCLUSION Quasispecies are the major characteristics in these HBsAg carrying pregnant women. ......

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