【摘要】 目的 推广新生儿窒息新法复苏技术,减少新生儿窒息死亡,降低新生儿死亡率。方法 对全市围产医务人员开展新生儿窒息新法复苏技术培训,重点在实际操作技能训练;比较复苏技术推广前后3年新生儿窒息死亡和新生儿死亡率下降情况。结果 推广应用新法复苏技术3年后,全市新生儿窒息死亡发生率由10.06‰下降至4.79‰,下降了52.39%;新生儿死亡率由25.31‰下降至13.77‰,下降了45.51%。结论 注重学员实际操作能力训练的新法复苏技术在基层的推广应用及产儿合作,可有效地降低新生儿窒息死亡的发生,从而降低新生儿死亡率。【关键词】 新生儿;窒息;复苏;推广应用
Spreading the new resuscitation method of the neonate asphyxia in the basic hospital
XIONG Jia-hua,FU Wei-min,ZHANG Hui-ping,et al.
Xinyu Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Jiangxi 338025,China
【Abstract】 Objective To spread the new resuscitation method and lower the mortality of the newborn.Methods Training medical workers of perinatology in our city,especially in the skills of new resuscitation method,then compare the mortality of the newborn in 2004 with the rate three years ago.Results After three years spreading of the new resuscitation method,the mortality of the asphyxia was from 10.06‰ to 4.79‰(P<0.01),52.39% down,the mortality of the newborns is from 25.31‰ to 13.79‰(P<0.01),45.51% down.Conclusion The new resuscitation method and co-operation between obstetricians and pediatricians in basic hospital can lower the mortality of the asphyxia and then lower the newborn mortality. ......
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