【摘要】 目的 对2004年建立的0~6岁儿童血铅监测模式进行临床效果追踪评价。方法 在2004年初筛的1817名0~6岁儿童中随机抽取733名儿童进行检测,采用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法进行血铅水平测定,用SPSS 13.0软件分析比较2年血铅水平状况。结果 福田区儿童血铅水平经过监测干预后均值为5.23μg/dl,铅中毒率3.27%。结论 0~6岁儿童血铅监测模式对降低儿童铅中毒,最大限度地减低铅对儿童的危害,有着巨大的干预作用,把0~6岁血铅监测模式纳入儿童保健工作常规,具有有效性、可行性、可持续性,适宜在全国推广。【关键词】 血铅;监测模式;儿童;临床效果
Trace and evaluate on clinical effect of inspective mode for blood lead of children aged 0~6 years
XIE Yi,SUN Xiao-mian,YU Qiang,et al.
Shenzhen Futian Maternal and Children Health Care Institute,Shenzhen 518026,China
【Abstract】 Objective To trace and evaluate clinical effect of the inspective mode,built in 2004,for blood lead of children aged 0~6 years.Methods 733 children,out of 1817 filtrated in 2004,were analyzed for blood lead by using a graphte furnace atonic absorption spectrometric,and the data of two years' was compared and analyzed by SPSS 13.0.Results Average level of blood lead after inspection was 5.23 μg/dl,and the rate of lead poisoning was 3.27%.Conclusion The inspective mode for blood lead of children aged 0~6 years has tremendous effect in reducing lead poisoning and harm to children.The inspective mode is applicable in our country as a regular work in children health care. ......
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