【摘要】 目的 分析乳腺癌X线表现特征及其病理基础,提高影像诊断的准确性。方法 分析经乳腺X线摄影以及手术病理证实的76例乳腺癌,将X线所见按照肿块、钙化、结构紊乱进行描述,并与病理分型进行对照。结果 乳腺癌最常见的X线表现为肿块影(76%);微钙化是乳腺癌的重要特征,检出率为63%;结构紊乱伴局限性或弥漫性密度增高是乳腺癌的重要表现(24%);血管征是乳腺癌重要的间接征象,显示率为38%;乳腺X线所显示的腋窝淋巴结与手术病理诊断的腋窝淋巴结转移有明显的相关性。结论 乳腺癌常见的X线表现为肿块影、结构紊乱、微钙化;乳腺癌不同的X线特征系不同的病理基础所致。【关键词】 乳腺癌;乳腺X线摄影;病理学
The study of mammographic features and pathology in breast carcinoma
ZHANG Yao-fang,ZHANG Bing-cang,WANG Guang-zhen,et al.
Department of Radiology,Peoples Hospital of Langfang,Langfang 065000,China
【Abstract】 Objective To analyze the mammographic features of the breast carcinoma and their pathologic bases in order to improve the accuracy of image diagnosis.Methods A total of 76 patients with breast carcinoma confirmed by operation and pathology were studied.The mammographic features were divided into mass、microcalcification、and distortion.Results The mass was the main type of mammographic features in breast carcinoma,which made up 76%.The microcalcifications were important features of the breast carcinoma( 63%),and the architecture distortion with focal or diffuse increased density were also important feature of the breast carcinoma( 24%).The vascular asymmetry were also important indirect signs of breast carcinoma,which were up to 38%.The axilla lymph node showing on mammography had close correlation to the carcinoma with metastatic lympadenopathy in the axillary fossa.Conclusion The common mammographic features of breast carcinoma were mass,microcalcification ......
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