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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代影像学杂志》 2005年第12期
     【摘要】 目的 用扩散张量纤维束成像技术对左侧非脑回性皮层发育不良患者脑内主要白质纤维进行研究,旨在揭示该病脑内重要纤维结构改变特征,为临床预后评估提供功能解剖学依据。方法 用SIEMENS Trio 2003T对患者行全脑常规检查和扩散张量成像,然后进行数据收集和后处理。结果 常规MRI左侧大脑半球体积增大,顶叶脑回增宽,左侧半卵圆中心大片块样异常信号影。扩散张量纤维束成像显示左侧弓状纤维束、下纵行纤维束、扣带束、海马等重要的联络、连合纤维明显比对侧增大,左侧内囊后肢及外囊较右侧纤维束少,左侧内囊后肢交叉到对侧小脑的纤维明显减少。结论 扩散张量成像技术可精确、直观显示先天性发育畸形的脑内主要纤维结构特征,可提供脑白质的先天性畸形与后天性白质结构异常鉴别的依据,同时对预后的评估有参考价值。

    【关键词】 扩散张量成像;扩散张量纤维束成像;先天畸形;纤维束,非脑回性皮层发育不良

    DTI fiber tractography analysis of main fibrous structure in nonlissencephalic cortical dysplasias

    SUN Xue-jin,DAI Jian-ping,GAO Pei-yi,et al.

    Department of Neuroradiology,the Affiliated Beijing TianTan Hospital of Capital University of Medical Sciences,Beijing Neurosurgical Institute,Beijing 100050,China

    【Abstract】 Objective To exhibit the main fiber bundles of white matter,with aims at demonstrating fiber characteristic of the nonlissencephalic cortical dysplasias with diffusion tensor imaging and fiber tracking technique,hence providing anatomical basis for prognosis prediction.Methods Conventional MRI,diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and diffusion tensor fiber tractography (DTFT) were performed in a 15 years old girl with nonlissencephalic cortical dysplasias by 3.0T SIEMENS Trio 2003T MRI.Transverse (commissural) fibers,association fibers and projection fibers were measured with FA values,as seeds to track fibers.Results Conventional MRI demonstrated the left hemisphere was larger than the right side,there were widened gyri in left parietal lobe.DTI demonstrated tracks of left arcuate fasciculus,inferior longitudinal fasciculus ......

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