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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代护理学杂志》 2006年第1期
     【摘要】 目的 探讨临床本科护理队伍人才流失的根源。方法 将64名本科护生随机分成两组,其中一组从提供良好实习软环境;加强情感智力培养;进行专业生涯规划,促进专业成长;合理选择带教老师,优化教学方法四个方面进行有计划合理培养。另一组按常规培养。结果 有计划培养组到实习毕业时有90%认为未来临床护理事业发展前景乐观,自愿从事护理工作;另一组则有65%以上认为临床本科护理无用武之地,没必要再浪费时间。结论 护理人才流失关键是思想不稳固。思想是行动的先导,思想不稳固,不仅导致护理人才流失,而且也不利于护理事业的健康发展。

    【关键词】 实习护生;专业思想观念;转变;人才流失

    How to change the professional concept of nursing probationers

    SHI Yue-ying.

    The Third People’s Hospital,Hangzhou 310009,China

    【Abstract】 Objective To explore the key reasons for brain drain in the nursing team.Methods 64 nursing probationers were divided into one of two group at random;one group was trained according to the following four aspects:offering a good practicing environment;strengthening emotion intellegence (EI) training;planning for the professional career and promoting majority developing;choosing guiding teacher rationally and optimizing the teaching method,but the other team was taught in conventional way.Results 90 percent in the first group thought their future would be bright,so they hoped to be engaged in the nursing work in the future.However,above 65 percent in the second group thought nursing work just wasted their time.Conclusion The key reason of the brain drain in the nursing work team is unstable thought.Thought is the guide of taking action.If thought is not stable,it will not only result in the nursing brain drain,but also will be unfavorable to the sound development of nursing-enterprise. ......

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