【摘要】 目的 分析胸部X线表现为节段性改变的儿童肺炎的特点,并结合临床讨论其与支原体感染的关系。方法 对2004年3月~2005年5月入院的89例肺炎患儿的临床及X线征象进行回顾性分析。结果 89例患儿正侧位胸片均表现为节段性改变,单纯节段性实变18例,合并间质性改变71例。经证实支原体感染71例。结论 学龄期儿童肺炎患者,尤其临床症状不重、胸部X线征象主要为节段性改变并间质性病变者,支原体感染可能性大。【关键词】 儿童;支原体肺炎;节段性;X线征
【Abstract】 Objective To discuss the relationship between segmental phenomenon and Mycoplasmal Pneumonia(MP),through study the x-ray sign of children's pneumonia with segmental changes.Methods The clinical data and x-ray radiologic findings of 89 pneumonia cases in children who hospitalized during 2004-2005 were analyzed retrospectively.Results Chest x-ray features were as follows:the segmental changes was shown in all 89 cases,segmental consolidation in 18 cases;complicated with pulmonary interstitial changes in 71 cases,and MP was confirmed in 71 cases.Conclusion It many suggest that segmental changes with interstitial infiltration in the chest plain films of children's pneumonia must be MP.
【Key words】 children;mycoplasmal pneumonia;segmental change;x-ray sign
急性下呼吸道感染的病原体主要有病毒、细菌和肺炎支原体等 ......
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