【摘要】 目的 探讨导致婴幼儿肠套叠发病的解剖学因素。方法 总结分析近7年来82例经手术治疗肠套叠的术中所见,并测量其中16例肠套叠末段回肠与升结肠夹角。结果 16例肠套叠患儿末段回肠与升结肠夹角均>90°,且未发现其他可能导致肠套叠的器质性病变。结论 诱发婴幼儿肠套叠的因素有多种学说,末段回肠与升结肠的夹角过大及游动盲肠可能是导致肠套叠发生的解剖学因素之一。如术中发现上述情况可考虑将末段回肠与升结肠并行缝合;盲肠游动者,应同时做回盲部固定。【关键词】 肠套叠;解剖学因素
Discussion on anatomatic factor of intussusception in infant
KOHG Chi-huan,MA Ji-dong,ZHANG Ying.
Children Hospital,Beijing 100020,China
【Abstract】 Objective To discuss the anatomatic factor of intussusception in infant.Methods To review 82 operative cases of intussusception in 7 years and observe 16 cases the angle between the terminal ileum and the right ascending colon in the recent one year.Results The 16 cases' angles were more than 90°,and there was no obvious factor leading to intussusception at anatomy.Conclusion There are many inducement of leading intussusception,maybe it is one of these anatomatic reasons that the angle between the terminal ileum and the ascending colon is more large.If the angle is over 150°,we should suture and fix up the terminal ileum and the ascending colon,in order to prevent recurrence.If the cecum is more mobile,we will perform cecopexy. ......
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