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Forty-to-eighty-year-olds hope to have regular sex
http://www.100md.com 2006年2月8日 《中国医学论坛报》 2002年第21期
     The first global survey of attitude and behavior to sexual life conducted by the Pfizer pharmaceutical Ltd., involving a population group of over 26,000 in 28 countries and regions, an investigation of important significance showed that among the populace group in the age range of 40-80, there were more than 80% of the males and 60 % of the females considering sexual life being the important component of their live as a whole. Experts home and aboard pointed out that sexual health is one of the important component of human health which must be highly considered; the concept of being ashamed to visit the doctor for sexual problems must be changed. Five hundred individuals of the male and female gender in this age range from mainland China, Hong Kong special region and Chinese Taiwanjoined this survey which disclosed that 57% of the males and 51 % of the females did enjoyed regular sexual life in the past one year with a frequency of at least 1-6 times weekly. A well known professor of sociology, University of Chicago, said that there was no clear cut date of termination of human sexual desire; moreover, people of 70 years of age all over the world still maintain a high sexual demand is a surprising fact.
, 百拇医药
    Academician Guo Yinglu, chairman of society of urology, Chinese Medical Association said that this survey also disclosed a phenomenon that sexual life resulted in a more healthy status of the people. It was especially true among those people who considered themselves having an "extremely healthy status"; 70 % of these people reported fully satisfied sexual life with their partners in the past year. The relationship between emotional gratification and health presented an identical tendency. The survey also discovered that the implication of real healthy status was not fully understood by the people at large. Only a small number of the people involved in this survey were asked about their sexual activities in the past three years during their routine annual physical check.
, 百拇医药
    A specialist in sexology and doctor of general medicine of Australian sexual health center warned: "the physicians have the responsibility to pay attention upon the initiation of patients' problems of sexual activities, many of which are the latent signals of certain disease conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, hypercholesterolemia etc. Additionally, issues in sexual life often cause other problems, such as loss of self esteem leading to sexual indifference, which will severely influence the quality of life of themselves as well as that of their partners."
, http://www.100md.com
    Professor Zhu Jichuan, chief member of Society of Andrology, Chinese Medical Association said that sexual health being an important component of human health status of the present era, stood itself as an important wealth. However, its importance to the health status of the human body was very often neglected by the medical personnel and society as a whole. Its importance to the human life being not less than the foodstuff and exercise should not be further neglected. Everyone should be familiar with the issue that once problems occur in sexual health, immediate visit to a physician is mandatory. Functional disturbance in erection is not only in itself a disturbance and also a disease condition; regrettably only 20 % of the sufferers seek the help from a doctor., 百拇医药