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http://www.100md.com 《第四军医大学学报》 2004年第17期
     Effect of H218O concentration and other factors on 18FFDG syntheses

    YUAN MengHui, ZHOU LiangFei, XU HaiFeng, ZHOU RunSuo, ZHOU FeiHua, WU ShaoJun

    1Department of Nuclear Medicine, Tangdu Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an 710038, China, 2EBCO Technologies INC., Canada

    【Abstract】 AIM: To analyze the effects of the concentration of H218O on the synthesis of 218F2deoxyβDglucose (18FFDG) using singlepot acid hydrolysis. METHODS: Different concentration of H218O was used and the synthesis rate in each 18FFDG production was observed. RESULTS: The concentrations of H218O were found to have little effect on the synthesis rate of 18FFDG. The main byproduct was 13N, mostly in gaseous form, and with little involvement in the 18FFDG production. The determinant in the synthesis was the presence of water. Via several dehydration steps, water could be minimized and the production rate would be maximized. CONCLUSION: The concentration of H218O can be set with the number of patients to be examined, thus ensuring the normal synthesis rate and reducing the cost at the same time. ......

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