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http://www.100md.com 《中国体外循环杂志》 2004年第4期
     摘要:目的 心内直视手术术前采自体血(PAD)组、转机前放血组与常规用血组对比。方法 心内直视术100例,60例于术前采自体血(PAD)200~1200ml,40例于转机 术前PAD60例有32例未使用库血,占术前PAD53.3%,转前放血40例有10例未用库血,占转前放血25%。常规用血组100例均使用库血,术前PAD与转前放血均优于常规用血组,术前PAD组优于转前放血组。结论 PAD组与常规用血组比,其优点:(1)节省血源。(2)减少输异体血引起的并发症。(3)减轻了患者的经济负担。是心内直视术理想的用血选择。


    The Clinical Application and Management of Predeposited Autologous Blood in Open-Heart Surgery Under Cardiopulmonary Bypass

    WU Xing-suo,KANG Ying-xiu,HUO Xiao-ting,YANG Cui-Ping

    (Department of Anesthesiaology,The No 1 People's Hospital of Jin-Zhong,Shanxi Yuci 030600)

    Abstract: OBJECTIVE To observe amount of bank blood used in open-heart surgery during cardiopulmonary bypass. METHODS 200 patients with congenital heart disease 25-75kg, were divided into three groups. In 60 cases 200 -1200 ml of autologous blood was deposited before CPB and the predeposited autologous blood (PAD) was used during the operation. In 40 cases 300 - 1000ml of autologous blood was deposited before CPB and the predeposited autologous blood used during operation. The remaining 100 patients were transfused with bank blood.RESULTS 32 cases were not transfused with bank blood in PAD group,10 cases didn't infusion banked blood in PAD before CPB(p<0.005).CONCLUSION PAD before operation is the best methods. It can not only solve the shortage of blood source, but also avoid disease spreading, and decrease patient's expense. ......

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