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http://www.100md.com 2006年2月23日



    文章编号:1000 - 2286(2003) 04 - 0566 - 05


    杨振德1 ,2

    ,朱 麟2





    (1.广西大学 林学院 ,广西 南宁 530001 ; 2.南京林业大学 , 江苏 南京 210037)

    摘要:对百部组织培养中影响不定根诱导的因素进行了研究。结果表明 AgNO3 和 IBA对生根诱导有较明显

    的影响 ,较优的浓度分别为0. 5 mg L和3. 0 mg L。随着继代培养代数的增加 ,生根率提高 ,第五代生根率达

    81 % ,比第一代提高56 %。继代培养基对生根诱导有较明显的影响 ,在 IBA浓度为0. 3 mg L的继代培养基下

    增殖的芽条 ,其生根率比 IBA浓度为0. 1 mg L和0. 5 mg L的高 ,其根长亦比 IBA浓度为 0. 1 mg L 和0. 5 mg L

    的长。在生根培养基中加入活性炭 ,对不定根的诱导起抑制作用 ,其生根率为 0。在生根培养基中加入碳素

    墨水可以提早百部生根时间 ,接种后第10 d即开始长根 ,且根的平均长度较长。愈伤组织对生根诱导有较明

    显的影响 ,基部带有愈伤组织的芽条的生根率明显高于基部没有愈伤组织的芽条。


    中图分类号:Q949. 7 文献标识码:A

    Induction of Adventitious Roots During Tissue Culture of

    Stemona japonica ( Bl) Miq.

    YANG Zhen - de

    1 ,2

    ,ZHU Lin2

    ,XIE Li - qun2

    ZHAO Bo - guang2

    ,ZHOU Chuan - ming1

    ,ZHANGMei - ling1

    (1. College of Forestry , Guangxi Univ , Nanning 530001 ,China ; 2. Nanjing Forestry Univ , Nanjing 210037 ,China)

    Abstract :In order to apply tissue culture technique in rapid propagation of Stemona japonica (Bl) Miq. , fac2

    tors influencing root inducement of Stemona japonica (Bl) Miq. were studied. The results indicated that AgNO3 and

    IBA had distinct effects on root induction. The best concentration of AgNO3 was 0. 1mg L and that of IBA was 0.

    5mg L. The rooting rates increased with generations of subcultures , which reach 81 % in the fifth generation , high 2

    er by 56 % compared with that in the first generation. The subculture media markedly affected root induction. The

    shoots derived from the multiplication media supplemented with 0. 3 mg L IBA had higher rooting rates and longer

    roots than those of 0. 1 mg L IBA and 0. 5 mg L IBA , respectively. The inhibitory effect on rooting was found in

    the media containing active charcoal and no rooting was observed during the culture in 35 days. However , when

    black ink was added into the rooting medium , the initiative time of rooting could be shortened , and rooting began at

    the 10th day after the inoculation. The average length of roots in the media added with black ink were longer than

    those of the control . The callus had obvious impact on root induction. The rooting rates of the shoots that had basal

    calli was obviously higher than those of the shoots without calli .

    Key words :Stemona japonica (Bl) Miq. ;tissue culture ;induced rooting

    收稿日期:2003 - 04 - 28

    作者简介:杨振德(1965 - ) ,男 ,副教授 ,博士 ,从事植物生理、昆虫化学生态学与农药学的研究。

    第25卷第4期 江 西 农 业 大 学 学 报 Vol . 25 ,No. 4

    2003年8月 Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis Aug. ,2003

    ? 1995-2005 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 百部( Stemona japonica (Bl) Miq. )是百部科百部属的多年生草本植物 ,河南称药虱药 ,湖南称多崽

    婆 ,儿多母苦。具有丛生的纺锤形块根 ,根中含有百部碱和百部次碱 ,块根入药 ,有润肺上气、止咳、杀虫

    止痒之功效 ,主治肺结核、百日咳、气管炎、痢疾、蛲虫病、湿疹、头虱、阴虱等[1 ]。百部产于浙江、安徽、江

    苏、江西、福建、湖北、四川、广西等省。百部繁殖以块根繁殖为主 ,种子繁殖次之。块根是其药用部分 ,用块根繁殖浪费药材;用种子繁殖 ,其发芽率较低[2 ]。用组织培养法可以在短时间内为生产单位提供大

    量优质的种苗;但是 ,目前用组织培养法快速繁殖百部种苗的技术尚未成熟 ,尤其是其生根率较低[3 ]。

    另一方面 ,可以利用根培养物直接提取百部碱和百部次碱等生物碱活性成分。因此研究百部组织培养


    1 材料和方法

    材料采自广西凌云县 ,以带侧芽的茎段为外植体。材料先用洗衣粉溶液浸泡并用柔软的毛刷轻轻

    刷洗表面约5 min ,然后用自来水冲洗干净 ,再在超净工作台内进行无菌操作。用0. 1 %升汞浸泡8 min ,无菌水冲洗5次 ,最后将其切成 1 cm长的带侧芽小段 ,接种到培养基(MS + 6 - BA3. 0 mg L + IBA 0.

    3 mgL +蔗糖30 g L +琼脂0. 7 g L)中诱导产生丛生芽 ,剪取 3~4 cm长的单芽于生根培养基中进行

    生根诱导。培养温度24 ℃,光照强度2 000 lx ,光照时间为12~14 h d。

    2 结果与讨论

    2. 1 激素对百部生根诱导及其生长的影响

    由表1可见, 在试验浓度范围内 , IBA浓度越高的培养基中 ,生根率越高 , IBA2. 0~2. 5 mg L 与Ag2

    NO30. 5mg L 浓度组合较优 ,生根率达 25 % ......
