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http://www.100md.com 2006年2月23日





    王普霞 , 周春祥 , 陆兔林

    (南京中医药大学 ,江苏南京 210029)



    作者简介:王普霞(1962~) ,女,江苏江都人,副教授,主要从事中医药基础研究,电话:02526798027。


    摘要:目的:通过大鼠血瘀模型血液流变性及凝血试验 ,观察莪术不同炮制品的活血化瘀作用。方法:采用血小板聚集功



    中图分类号:R927. 2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100121528 (2004) 1120905202

    Blood 2quickening and stasis2dispell ing effect of different processed products of

    Rhizoma Curcumae

    WAN G Pu2xia , ZHOU Chun2xiang , LU Tu2lin

    ( Nanji ng Universi ty of Tradi t ional Chi nese Medici ne , Nanji ng 210029 , Chi na)

    KEY WORDS: Rhizoma Curcumae ; processing ; antiplatelet aggregation ; hemorrheological properties

    ABSTRACT : AIM: To study the blood2quickening and stasis 2dispelling effect of the different processed product s

    of Rhizoma Curcumae by rat’ s platelet aggregation in vivo and it s hemorrheological properties and blood coagula2

    tion. METHODS: The platelet aggregation determination , hemorrheological properties determination and mice

    blood coagulation method were used to observe the blood 2quickening and stasis2dispelling effect of the different

    processed product s of Rhizoma Curcumae. RESULTS: The different processed product s of Rhizoma Curcumae

    all had some inhibition on platelet aggregation , anticoagulation and improvement on the hemorrheological param2

    eters. Among all of them , the processed product with vinegar was the most st rong. CONCLUSION: In t radi2

    tional processes , pharmacological test shows that Rhizoma Curcumae processed with vinegar has the best effect s.

    莪术为姜科植物蓬莪术 Curcuma phaeocaul is Val .的根

    茎。中医药学理论认为 ,其性辛、苦、温 ,具有行气破血 ,消积

    止痛的功效。主治血气心痛 ,饮食积滞 ,脘腹胀痛 ,血滞经

    闭 ,痛经 ,徵瘕痞块 ,跌打损伤。其化学成分主要有挥发油、姜黄素、胡萝卜苷、以及锌、铁、钛、镍等微量元素。药理研究

    显示 ,莪术具有抗炎、镇痛、抗肿瘤、抗早孕、抗菌、升高白细



    理作用[ 1 ]。莪术临床常见的饮片有生莪术、醋莪术 ,其中常

    以醋莪术入药。生莪术行气消积力强 ,多用于食积胃痛 ,瘀

    疾腹痛。醋莪术重在入肝经血分 ,增强破血消徵作用 ,多用

    于淤滞经闭 ,胁下徵块[ 2 ]。本实验以抗血小板聚集率、血液

    流变学及抗凝血为指标 ,对莪术不同炮制品进行实验研究 ,为莪术的临床应用提供科学的理论依据 ......
