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[J ] . St roke ,1981 ,12 (2) :236.
[ 5 ] Lipton P ,Lobner D. Mechanism of int racellular calcium accumu2
lation in the CA1 region of rat hippocampus during anoxia i n vi t2
ro[J ] . St roke ,1990 ,21 (Suppl Ⅲ) : Ⅲ60.
[6 ] 卢步峰,鲁友明,黄诒森.蛋白激酶 C 对大鼠脑缺血海马突触
体谷氨酸摄取的调控作用[J ] . 生物化学杂志,1994 ,10 (4) :
[7 ] 郝建东,朱长庚,刘庆莹,等.地塞米松对谷氨酸升高海马神经
元胞内[ Ca
2 +
] i 作用的影响[ J ] . 神经解剖学杂志, 1999 , 15
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[ 8 ] Manami K,Kohei S ,Takehiko M , et al . Role of glutamate recep2
tor and voltage dependent calcium and sodium channels in the ex2
t racellular glutamate aspartate accumulation and subsequent neu2
ronal injury induced by oxygen glucose deprivation in cultured
hippocampal neuron[J ] . J Pharmacol Ex p Ther ,1998 ,285 (1) :
[ 9 ] Cox JA ,Lysko PG,Henneberry RC. Excitatory amino acid neuro2
toxicity at the N methy D asparate receptor in cultured neurons :
role of the voltage dependent magnesium block [ J ] . B rai n Res ,1989 ,499 (2) :267.
[10 ] Baba T , Black KL , Ikezaki K, et al . Int racarotid infusion of
leukot rience C4 seletively increase blood2brain barrier permeabili2
ty after focal schemia in rats [ J ] . J Cereb Blood Flow Metab ,1991 ,11 (4) :638.
[ 11 ] Bicker PE ,Gallego SM ,Hansen BM. Development changes in in2
t racellular calcim regulation in rat cerebral cortex during hypoxia
[J ] . J Cereb Blood Flow Metab ,1993 ,13 (5) :811.
[ 12 ] Cao W,Carney JM ,Duchon A , et al . Oxygen f ree radical involve2
ment in ischemia and reperfusion injury to brain [ J ] . Neurosic
Let t ,1980 ,88 (2) :233.
[13 ] Li XJ ,Zhang LM ,Gu J , et al . Melatonin decreases production of
hydroxyl radical radical during cerebral ischemia reperfusion[J ] .
Acta Pharmacol Si n ,1997 ,18 (5) :39.
[ 14 ] Chan PH. Role of oxidants in ischemia brain damage[J ] . St roke ,1996 ,27 (6) :1124.
[ 15 ] Yoshiha S ,Abe K,Basto R , et al . Influence of t ransient ischemia
on lipidsoluble antioxidants ,f ree fatty acid and energy metabolites
in rat brain[J ] . B rai n Res ,1982 ,245 (2) :307.
[16 ] Mukherjee SK, Yasharel R , Klaidman L K, et al . Apoptosis and
DNA f ragmentation as induced by tertiary butylhydroperoxide in
the brain[J ] . B rai n Res B ul l ,1995 ,38 (6) :595.
[17 ] Troy CM ,Shelarski ML. Down regulation of copper zinc super2
oxide dismutases apoptotic death in PC12 neuronal cells[J ] . Proc
Nat l Acd Sci USA ,1994 ,91 (14) :6384.
[18 ] Matsuyama T ,Hata R , Tagays M , et al . Fas antigan mRNA in2
duction in postischemic murine brains. [J ] . B rai n Res ,1994 ,657
(1 2) :342.
[ 19 ] Moncade S. Nit ric oxide gas :mediator modulator and pathophysi2
ologic entity[J ] . J L ab Cli n Med ,1992 ,120 (2) :187.
[ 20 ] Leone AM ,Palmer RM , Knowles RG. Constitutive and inducible
nit ric oxide synthase incorporate molecular oxygen into both nit ric
oxide and cit rulline[J ] . J Biol Chem ,1991 ,266 (35) :23790.
[21 ] Snyder SH. Janus face of nit ric oxide [ J ] . Nat ure , 1993 , 364
(12) :577.
[ 22 ] Szaflarski J ,Burt run D ,Silverstein FS. Cerebral hypoxia2ischemia
stimulates cytokine gene2expression in perinatal rats[J ] . St roke ,1995 ,26 (6) :1093.
[23 ] Baudry N , Vicaut E. Role of nit ric oxide in effects of tumor
necrosis factor alpha on microcirculation in rat [J ] . J A ppl Physi2 ......