第1页 |
7, 82六甲氧基黄酮。
References :
[ 1 ] W ei Z, He Q Q 1 Comp end ium of Z hej iang P lant (浙江植物
志) [M ]1Vo l 3. Hangzhou: Zhejiang Science and Techno lo2
gy Publish ing House, 19861
[ 2 ] J iangsu N ew M edical Co llege1 D ictionary of Ch ineseM ateria
M ed ica (中药大辞典) [M ]1 Shanghai : Shanghai Science and
Techno logy Publisher, 19771
[ 3 ] L in Z K, Hua Y F1 Study on essent ial o il in peels of Sha2
t ianyou of Ch ina [J ]1 A cta P lant (植物学报) , 1989, 31 (1) :
[ 4 ] Sawamura M , Kurigawa T1 Q uant it ively determ inat ion of
vo lat ile const ituents in the pummelo (C itrus g rand is O sbeck
fo rma To sa2 butan ) [J ]1 J A g ric Food Chem , 1988, 86:
[ 5 ] Sawamura M , Sh ich iri K, Oo tani Y, et al1 Vo lat ile con2
st ituents of several variet ies of pummelo s and characterist ics
among C itrus species [J ]1 J A g ric Food Chem , 1991, 55
(10) : 2571225781
[ 6 ] W u T S1 A lkalo ids and coumarins of C itrus g rand is [J ]1
P hy tochem istry , 1988, 27 (11) : 3717237181
[ 7 ] W u T S, Huang S C, Jong T T, et al1 Coumarins, acridone
alkalo ids and a f lavone f rom C itrus g rand is [J ]1 P hy tochem 2
istry , 1988, 27 (2) : 58525871
[ 8 ] Huang S C, Chen M T, W u T S1 A lkalo ids and coumarins
f rom stem bark of C itrus g rand is [J ]1 P hy tochem istry , 1989,28 (12) : 3574235761
[ 9 ] W u T S, Huang S C, L ai J S1 Stem bark coumarins of C itrus
g rand is [J ]1 P hy tochem istry , 1994, 36 (1) : 21722191
[ 10 ] DavidM , Puvaj P K, John B S1 Coumarins glyco sides f rom
C itrus f laved o [J ]1 P hy tochem istry , 1987, 26 ( 9 ) : 25472
[ 11 ] Oh ta H, Hasegawa S1 L imono ids in pummelo s [C itrus g ran2
d is (L 1) O sbeck ] [J ]1 J Food S ci, 1995, 60 ( 6) : 12842
[ 12 ] Feng BM , P i Y H1 Study on the chem ical const ituents in the
peels of C itrus g rand is1 [J ]1 J S heny ang P harm U niv (沈阳
药科大学学报) , 2000, 17 (5) : 33223331
[ 13 ] Harbo rne J B, M abry T J1 T he F lavonoid s A d vances in R e2
search [M ]1 N ew Yo rk: CHA PMAN HALL , 19821
[ 14 ] Sunil K T, Swapan KM , A nup B, et al1M ethoxylated f lav2
ones of fo rtunella Japonica [J ]1 P hy tochem istry , 1975, 14
(1) : 30923101
[15 ] Eckhard W , Sylo ia S, James N 1 External leaf f lavono ids of
P olanisia trachy sp erm a [J ]1 P hy tochem istry , 1989, 28 (1) :
漆淑华, 吴少华, 马云保, 罗晓东3
, 吴大刚X
(中国科学院昆明植物研究所 植物化学与西部植物资源持续利用国家重点实验室, 云南 昆明 650204)
摘 要: 目的 研究桂林乌桕S ap ium ch ihsinianum 的化学成分。方法 利用反复硅胶柱层析进行分离和纯化, 通
过理化方法及光谱分析鉴定其结构。结果 从桂林乌桕茎的乙酸乙酯提取物中分离得10 个已知化合物, 分别鉴定
为矛瑞屯醇(mo reteno l, é ) , 矛瑞屯酮(mo retenone, ê ) , 油酮酸(acetylaleur ito lic acid, ? ) , 东莨菪内酯( scopo2
let in, ì ) , 22羟基242甲氧基苯乙酮(22 hydroxy242 methoxyacetophenone, í ) , 正三十四烷酸(? ) , 硬脂酸(? ) , 3, 3′ 2
二2氧2甲基鞣花酸(3, 3′ 2 di2 O 2 methylellagic acid, D ) , B 2谷甾醇(? ) , 胡萝卜苷(ò )。结论 化合物?、 ? 均为首次
关键词: 桂林乌桕、大戟科; 化学成分
中图分类号: R282113 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 0253 2670 (2003) 01 0013 03
Studies on chem ica l con st ituen ts of Sap ium ch ihs in ianum
Q I Shu2 hua, WU Shao2 hua, MA Yun2 bao, LUO Xiao2 dong, WU Da2 gang
(State Key L abo rato ry of Phytochem ist ry and P lant Resources inW est Ch ina,Kunm ing Inst itute of Bo tany, CA S, Kunm ing 650204, Ch ina)
Key words: S ap ium ch ihsin ianum S1 L ee; Eupho rb iaceae; chem ical con st ituen t s
桂林乌桕S ap ium ch ihsin ianum S1 L ee 系大戟
科乌桕属植物, 为广西特有药用植物, 具有活血、解
毒、利湿等功效, 民间时有应用[ 1 ] ......
References :
[ 1 ] W ei Z, He Q Q 1 Comp end ium of Z hej iang P lant (浙江植物
志) [M ]1Vo l 3. Hangzhou: Zhejiang Science and Techno lo2
gy Publish ing House, 19861
[ 2 ] J iangsu N ew M edical Co llege1 D ictionary of Ch ineseM ateria
M ed ica (中药大辞典) [M ]1 Shanghai : Shanghai Science and
Techno logy Publisher, 19771
[ 3 ] L in Z K, Hua Y F1 Study on essent ial o il in peels of Sha2
t ianyou of Ch ina [J ]1 A cta P lant (植物学报) , 1989, 31 (1) :
[ 4 ] Sawamura M , Kurigawa T1 Q uant it ively determ inat ion of
vo lat ile const ituents in the pummelo (C itrus g rand is O sbeck
fo rma To sa2 butan ) [J ]1 J A g ric Food Chem , 1988, 86:
[ 5 ] Sawamura M , Sh ich iri K, Oo tani Y, et al1 Vo lat ile con2
st ituents of several variet ies of pummelo s and characterist ics
among C itrus species [J ]1 J A g ric Food Chem , 1991, 55
(10) : 2571225781
[ 6 ] W u T S1 A lkalo ids and coumarins of C itrus g rand is [J ]1
P hy tochem istry , 1988, 27 (11) : 3717237181
[ 7 ] W u T S, Huang S C, Jong T T, et al1 Coumarins, acridone
alkalo ids and a f lavone f rom C itrus g rand is [J ]1 P hy tochem 2
istry , 1988, 27 (2) : 58525871
[ 8 ] Huang S C, Chen M T, W u T S1 A lkalo ids and coumarins
f rom stem bark of C itrus g rand is [J ]1 P hy tochem istry , 1989,28 (12) : 3574235761
[ 9 ] W u T S, Huang S C, L ai J S1 Stem bark coumarins of C itrus
g rand is [J ]1 P hy tochem istry , 1994, 36 (1) : 21722191
[ 10 ] DavidM , Puvaj P K, John B S1 Coumarins glyco sides f rom
C itrus f laved o [J ]1 P hy tochem istry , 1987, 26 ( 9 ) : 25472
[ 11 ] Oh ta H, Hasegawa S1 L imono ids in pummelo s [C itrus g ran2
d is (L 1) O sbeck ] [J ]1 J Food S ci, 1995, 60 ( 6) : 12842
[ 12 ] Feng BM , P i Y H1 Study on the chem ical const ituents in the
peels of C itrus g rand is1 [J ]1 J S heny ang P harm U niv (沈阳
药科大学学报) , 2000, 17 (5) : 33223331
[ 13 ] Harbo rne J B, M abry T J1 T he F lavonoid s A d vances in R e2
search [M ]1 N ew Yo rk: CHA PMAN HALL , 19821
[ 14 ] Sunil K T, Swapan KM , A nup B, et al1M ethoxylated f lav2
ones of fo rtunella Japonica [J ]1 P hy tochem istry , 1975, 14
(1) : 30923101
[15 ] Eckhard W , Sylo ia S, James N 1 External leaf f lavono ids of
P olanisia trachy sp erm a [J ]1 P hy tochem istry , 1989, 28 (1) :
漆淑华, 吴少华, 马云保, 罗晓东3
, 吴大刚X
(中国科学院昆明植物研究所 植物化学与西部植物资源持续利用国家重点实验室, 云南 昆明 650204)
摘 要: 目的 研究桂林乌桕S ap ium ch ihsinianum 的化学成分。方法 利用反复硅胶柱层析进行分离和纯化, 通
过理化方法及光谱分析鉴定其结构。结果 从桂林乌桕茎的乙酸乙酯提取物中分离得10 个已知化合物, 分别鉴定
为矛瑞屯醇(mo reteno l, é ) , 矛瑞屯酮(mo retenone, ê ) , 油酮酸(acetylaleur ito lic acid, ? ) , 东莨菪内酯( scopo2
let in, ì ) , 22羟基242甲氧基苯乙酮(22 hydroxy242 methoxyacetophenone, í ) , 正三十四烷酸(? ) , 硬脂酸(? ) , 3, 3′ 2
二2氧2甲基鞣花酸(3, 3′ 2 di2 O 2 methylellagic acid, D ) , B 2谷甾醇(? ) , 胡萝卜苷(ò )。结论 化合物?、 ? 均为首次
关键词: 桂林乌桕、大戟科; 化学成分
中图分类号: R282113 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 0253 2670 (2003) 01 0013 03
Studies on chem ica l con st ituen ts of Sap ium ch ihs in ianum
Q I Shu2 hua, WU Shao2 hua, MA Yun2 bao, LUO Xiao2 dong, WU Da2 gang
(State Key L abo rato ry of Phytochem ist ry and P lant Resources inW est Ch ina,Kunm ing Inst itute of Bo tany, CA S, Kunm ing 650204, Ch ina)
Key words: S ap ium ch ihsin ianum S1 L ee; Eupho rb iaceae; chem ical con st ituen t s
桂林乌桕S ap ium ch ihsin ianum S1 L ee 系大戟
科乌桕属植物, 为广西特有药用植物, 具有活血、解
毒、利湿等功效, 民间时有应用[ 1 ] ......