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http://www.100md.com 2006年2月23日



    Synthesization Control Technique of

    Wippophao rhamnoidap s Primary Drill Pest

    GUO Zhonghua

    ( S hanxi Research Inst i t ute of S and Cont rol , Y ul in 719000)

    Abstract Spraying the powder in the ground , spraying fog in the forest canopy with insecticidal ,injecting insecticidal into the t ree t runk , cradle rejuvenation , pick off flower and f ruit , protecting the

    nature enemy can be used in cont rol the pest of Wi ppophao rhamnoida , Rhagoet is batava

    Obseceriosa. , Curcal io hippophes Zhang. , Asias halodendri Pallas. Holcocerus sp. . These

    measures can availably cont rol the drill pest in forest production.

    Key words Wi ppophao rhamnoida ; Drill pest ; Synthesization cont rol technique

    金 银 花 病 虫 害 防 治

    石志红 王瑞攀 林志民

    (河南省安阳市林业技术推广站, 安阳 455000)

    金银花 , 又名忍冬 , 医学上也称二花 , 为多

    年生半常绿缠绕性灌木 ......
