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http://www.100md.com 2006年2月23日





    【摘要】 目的:研究牛黄双口服液的质量标准。方法:用薄层色谱法对牛黄双口服液中的黄芩 ,金银花进行鉴

    别 ,用紫外分光光度法测黄芩甙的含量。结果:鉴别专属性强 ,回收率平均值为 99174 % ,RSD为 1141。结论:此


    【关键词】 黄芩 金银花 黄芩甙 紫外分光光度法

    中图分类号:R927. 11 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005 - 9334(2001) 04 - 0196 - 01

    Study on quality standard of niuhuangshuang oral liquid XIAO Zhixiu ∥ (242 Hospital of harbin


    【Abstract】 OBJECTIVE:To analyse the qualily standard of Niuhuangshuang. METHODS : Identified Redix Scutellceriae

    and Flos loniceral in Niuhuangshuang oral liquid with TLC and determined the content of baicalin with spectrophotometry. RE2

    SULTS : the indentification had good specialization it’ s average recovery rate was 99174 % , the relative standard was 1141.

    CONCLUSION: the method can control the quality of Niuhuengshuang oral liquid. it’ s simple and accurancy.

    【Key words】 radix scutellerial flos loniceral baicalin spectrophotometry


    制剂。它由黄芩 ,金银花 ,水牛角等多味中药组在 ......
