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http://www.100md.com 2006年2月23日






    , 曾艳玲1

    , 谭晓风1

    , 李国民2

    (1. 中南林学院国家林业部重点实验室, 湖南 株洲 412006; 2. 长沙理工大学, 湖南 长沙 410000)

    [摘 要] 米良一号猕猴桃外植体在不同激素的M S 培养基上培养, 结果表明: ①诱导培养基以M S+ 1. 0 mg? L ZT 为好, 材料不经

    转移可直接分化出丛生芽, ZT 浓度在 1. 5 mg? L 以上时, 对愈伤组织形成有抑制作用, 且在 1. 5 mg? L ZT 的同时, 加 0. 5 mg? L

    62 AB, 这2 种细胞分裂素超量后的抑制作用是累加的, 致使抑制作用加剧无芽茎段褐化死亡; ②出芽周期长短与茎段年龄和有芽无

    芽有关, 成熟茎段出芽早, 幼嫩茎段出芽迟, 有芽茎段出芽早, 无芽茎段出芽迟, 幼嫩的无芽茎段出芽虽晚30 d 左右, 但由愈伤组织形

    成的丛芽多得多; ③米良一号生根能力不强, 出芽后不经生根诱导不能生根 , 1? 2M S+ 1. 0 mg? L IBA + 30 g? L 蔗糖, 有较好的诱导

    生根作用; ④叶片培养再生率正交实验结果表明生长素优先因子顺序为ZT、 62 BA、 NAA、 TDZ, 叶的最佳诱导分化培养基为M S+ 10

    mg? L BA + 0. 2 mg? L NAA + 1. 0 mg? L TDZ。

    [关键词] 猕猴桃; 组织培养; 丛生芽

    [中图分类号] S663. 4; S604+ . 3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1003- 8981 (2005) 01- 0007- 03

    Tissue culture of Kiwifruit‘ M il iang-1’

    TIAN Hong-Xian1

    , ZENGYan-L ing


    , TAN Xiao-Feng


    , L I Guo-M in2

    (1. The Key L ab of Cult ivat ion of Fo rest ryM inist ry, Cent ral South Fo rest ry U niversity, Changsha 410004, Hunan, Ch ina;

    2. Changsha Science and Engineer ing U niversity, Changsha 410000, Hunan, Ch ina)

    Abstract : Exp lants of k iw if ruit cv .‘ M iliang21’cultured on the M S medium w ith different ho rmomes show ed: (1)

    The op t imal inducing medium w asmade ofM S added w ith 1. 0 mg? L of ZT. The exp lant could direct ly different iate

    into ro set te buds w ithout t ransfer . How ever, w hen ZT w as above 1. 5 mg? L , callus fo rmat ion w as inh ibited, and

    adding 0. 5mg? L of 62 BA increased the inh ibit ion w h ich resulted in the brow ning and death of the budless stem f rag2

    ment; (2) The budding cycle related to the age of stem sect ion and to the p resence o r absence of buds . W h ile thema2

    ture stem sect ion budded ear lier than the young tender one, the stem sect ion w ith buds budded ear lier than stem sec2

    t ion w ithout buds . A lthough the young render stem sect ion w ithout buds budded about 30 days later, there w ere

    much mo re bushy buds fo rmed f rom the callus; (3)‘ M iliang21’had poo r rh izogenesis and roo t ing could no t take

    p lace w ithout inducement af ter budding . 1? 2M S addedw ith 1. 0mg? L of IBA and 30 g? L of sucro se couldw ell induce

    rh izogenesis; (4) Fo r leaf culture, the effect of grow th ho rmones fo llow ed the descending o rder of ZT, 62 BA , NAA ,and TDZ . The desirable culturemedium fo r leaf different iat ion w asM S added w ith 10mg? L of BA , and 0. 2mg? L of

    NAA p lus 1. 0 mg? L of TDZ .

    Key words : Kiw if ruit cv . ‘ M iliang21’ ; t issue culture; bush buds

    米良一号猕猴桃是吉首大学石泽亮教授于 20 世纪 80 年代选育出来的美味猕猴桃优良品种, 它具有适应

    性强, 果大, 结果早, 产量高, 含糖量高, 含维生素C 高, 较耐贮等优点 ......
