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http://www.100md.com 2006年2月23日




    马崇坚 , 胡嘉凯 , 王羽梅

    (韶关学院英东生物工程学院 , 广东 韶关 512005)

    摘 要:山苍子是耐贫瘠的速生经济树种 ,植株全体广泛应用于食品、医药、农药、化妆品等产品中。用山苍子的不

    同外植体进行组织培养试验 ,结果表明:芽的萌动最早 ,且成活率高 ,生长时间短 ,诱导效率高达 63. 70 %;茎的愈伤形成

    率为 53. 01 %;叶则为 10. 26 % ,生长速度慢 ,且极易褐变。表明山苍子芽适合于作为快速繁殖材料 ,茎则需先形成愈伤

    组织再诱导植株再生 ,叶的诱导效果较差。

    关键词:山苍子; 组织培养; 愈伤组织

    中图分类号:S722. 3 +

    7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004 - 874X(2005) 02 - 0030 - 02

    The culture of different explant s of L i tsea cubeba in vit ro

    MA Chong - jian , HU J ia - kai , WAN G Yu - mei

    ( Yingdong Col lege of Bioengineering , S haoguan Universi ty , S haoguan 512005 , China)

    Abst ract :The L i tsea cubeba was economic forest grown on barren soil usually , which application on foodstuff , medicine

    cosmetics , etc. At tempt to find out the bet ter cultivation material , we incubated the different tissue of L i tsea cubeba. The re2

    sults showed that the buds s prouted first , and had the highest livability and 63. 7 % induced efficiency. The induced efficiency of

    callus f rom stems of L i tsea cubeba was about 53. 01 %. In addition , it’ s 10. 26 %on leaves. It was obvious the buds were ada pt

    to as propagation material , however , the regeneration plant f rom stems must through callus inducing. Compare to this , the cal2

    lus f rom leaves grown slowly and brown usually , its induced efficiency was lowest .

    Key words : L i tsea cubeba ; tissue culture ; callus

    山苍子〔L i tsea cubeba (Lour) Pers.〕广泛分布于

    我国南方各省区 ,其果实成熟后可入药 ,具有温中散


    油 ,是调制高级香料的重要原料 ,广泛应用于高级化妆


    大量出口创汇的传统林产品 ,近年我国山苍子油年产

    量达 4 000 多 t ,为世界最大的生产国和出口国 ,年出

    口量达 3 500 t ,产品远销美、日、英、法、德、瑞士、荷兰

    等国[1~5 ]。长期以来 ,用于加工的山苍子 85 %以上都

    是采自野生 ,并且多以毁灭性的砍枝砍树为主要采摘

    方式 ,导致了资源枯竭和产量下降[4 ,6 ]。由于国内山

    苍子产量越来越少 ,货源紧缺 ,价格一直上涨 ,山苍子

    油供不应求 ,远远不能满足国内外市场需要 ,所以人工


    低 ,无法满足种苗需求量剧增的的需要 ,而且耗时耗

    地[7 ,8 ] ......
