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    文章编号: 1000 - 1573 (2004) 04 - 0055 - 04


    郑 健1

    , 张彦广2

    , 李惠卓2

    , 石绣霞2

    , 赵耀新2

    , 张彦芳3

    ① (1. 河北科技师范学院 园艺园林系 , 河北 秦皇岛 066600 ; 2. 河北农业大学 园林学院 , 河北 保定 071000 ;

    3.河北省塞罕坝机械林场 , 河北 承德 068455)

    摘要: 以野生花卉歪头菜( V icia unijuga A. )的种子为试验材料 ,对其萌发特性进行了研究 ,以期为引种栽培提

    供理论依据。结果表明:歪头菜的种子长约 5 mm ,扁圆形 ,灰绿色或黑褐色 ,千粒重为 211310 g ,属于中小粒种

    子;其种子的休眠是由硬实性引起的 ,属于强迫休眠 ,破除休眠可采用浓硫酸处理 ,以酸蚀 30 min 效果最好 ,发

    芽率、发芽势、发芽指数最高 ,分别为 93 %、 72 %、 19185 ;其最适发芽温度为 20~30 ℃;光照对其种子萌发有一定


    关 键 词: 野生花卉; 歪头菜; 种子; 萌发; 温度; 光照

    中图分类号: S 682 文献标识码: A

    The study on the germination of seeds of wild flower Vicia uni j uga A.

    ZHENGJ ian1

    , ZHANG Yan2guang2

    , LI Hui2zhuo2

    , SHI Xiu2xia


    ,ZHAO Yao2xin2

    , ZHANG Yan2 fang3

    (1. Department of Gardening , Hebei Normal College of Science and Technology , Qinhuangdao 066600 , China ;

    2. College of Landscape and Tourism , Agricultural University of Hebei , Baoding 071000 , China ;

    3. Saihanba Mechanical Forest ry Center of Hebei , Chengde 068455 , China)

    Abstract : The seeds of wildflower V icia uni juga A. . were studied on the basis of the germination

    in this paper . The nature of the germination of the seeds of V icia uni juga A. were researched

    systemically in order to provide theoretical basis for it s being int roduced and cultivated. The result

    showed that the seeds are green - gray or brown - black , about 5 mm long ,oblate. The weight per

    thousand - granule was 211310 g. And they are minimal - medium seeds. The dormant character of

    the seeds of V icia ani juga A. was forcing dormancy caused by hard seed vessels. The dormancy

    could be broken down by sulphuric acid. The most appropriate time was 30 min. The highest

    germination rate and index of the and the highest germination power were 93 % , 19185 , 72 %

    respectively. The optimum germination temperature of the seeds of V icia ani juga A. was 20~

    30 ℃. It indicated that illumination somehow rest rained the germination of the seeds of V icia

    ani juga A.

    Key words : wild flower ; V icia uni juga A. ; seeds ; germination ; temperature ; illumination

    歪头菜( V icia uni juga A. )别名草豆、两叶豆苗 ,属于豆科多年生草本 ,植株秀丽 ,花序硕大成串 ,花蓝紫

    ① 收稿日期: 2004 - 02 - 10

    基金项目: 河北省林业局科研项目(0209218)

    作者简介: 郑 健(1977 - ) ,男 ,河北易县人 ,助教 ,从事园林植物种质资源研究.

    通讯作者: 张彦广(1957 - )男 ,河北石家庄人 ,教授.电话:0312 - 2172963 ,E 2mail :zyg963 @sohu. com

    第 27 卷第 4 期

    2 0 0 4 年 7 月

    河 北 农 业 大 学 学 报


    Vol . 27 No. 4

    J uly . 2 0 0 4

    ? 1995-2005 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.色或蓝色 ,花色艳丽 ,花期(6~8 个月)长 ,是优良的夏季观花、城市绿化观赏植物[1 ] ......
