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http://www.100md.com 《第四军医大学学报》 2004年第23期
     Multiple imputation for analyzing 2×2 cross over design with missing data

    LI QingHua, XIA JieLai, XUE FuBo

    Department of Health Statistics, School of Preventive Medicine, Fourth Military Medical University,Xi’an 710033,China

    【Abstract】 AIM: To handle 2×2 crossover data set with missing data by using Multiple Imputation method provided by Rubin and to avoid the difficulties in statistical analysis owing to missing data in medical research. METHODS: We used MI to fill in missing data and analyzed the multiply imputed data sets with standard statistical procedure, then combined the statistical inferences with MIANALYZE procedure. RESULTS: The multiple imputation method imputed missing values of the crossover design and generated valid statistical inferences. CONCLUSION: MI and MIANALYZE procedures provide a valid strategy for handling 2×2 cross over data set with missing data.

    【Keywords】 multiple imputation analyze; missing data;cross over design

    【摘要】 目的: 探讨利用Rubin提出的多重填补的方法处理有缺失数据的2×2交叉设计的资料 ......

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