罗炬华 李益太 李筑艳 林蕙
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罗炬华 李益太 李筑艳 林 蕙 深圳出入境检验检疫局(518045)
摘要 目的 掌握文锦渡口岸进口食品不合格情况 ,为加强卫生监督工作提供依据。方法
对2003年1~6月从文锦渡口岸入境的进口食品不合格情况进行分析。结果 2003 年 1~6 月进
口食品总批次为7 171批 ,总重量为96 767吨 ,货值8 284万美元。查出不合格进口食品 852 批 ,不
合格原因主要是中文标签不合格 ,二氧化硫残留量超标 ,色素超标及感官检查不合格。结论 加强
中文标签观场查验工作 ,加强二氧化硫及人工色素的检测工作 ,重视关检合作。
关键词 进口食品 不合格情况分析 应对措施
Abtract Objective To master the conditions of the foods imported through the Wenjindu Port in SZ ,and
to provide powerful bases for the import food hygiene supervision. Methods Analysised the condition of the
foods which imported from january to Junc ,2003 in Wenjindu port . Resules Total7 171 batch of foods , total
weight 96 767 tons ,total amount 82 840 000 US dollar were analysised ,and 852 batchs of defective foods were
checked out . The main reasons were defective food chinese label ,over residual of SO2 ,over colouring matter to
the national standard ,and failed to pass the organdeptie inspection. Conclusion The food chinese label should
be inspected more serionsy in the port ,furthrmore ,strengthen determinne the work of the quantity of SO2 and
artificical colouring matter ,attach importance to cooperate CIQ with Custom.
Key words Import food Fraction defective analysis Treatment measures
1 不合格食品情况
2003年1月份共检出不合格食品 852 批 ,其中
中文标签不合格842批 ,占不合格总批次的99 % ,实
验室检测理化指标超标 6 批 ,货主瞒报被海关查获
移交检验检疫局处理的4批 ,结果详见表1 ......
罗炬华 李益太 李筑艳 林 蕙 深圳出入境检验检疫局(518045)
摘要 目的 掌握文锦渡口岸进口食品不合格情况 ,为加强卫生监督工作提供依据。方法
对2003年1~6月从文锦渡口岸入境的进口食品不合格情况进行分析。结果 2003 年 1~6 月进
口食品总批次为7 171批 ,总重量为96 767吨 ,货值8 284万美元。查出不合格进口食品 852 批 ,不
合格原因主要是中文标签不合格 ,二氧化硫残留量超标 ,色素超标及感官检查不合格。结论 加强
中文标签观场查验工作 ,加强二氧化硫及人工色素的检测工作 ,重视关检合作。
关键词 进口食品 不合格情况分析 应对措施
Abtract Objective To master the conditions of the foods imported through the Wenjindu Port in SZ ,and
to provide powerful bases for the import food hygiene supervision. Methods Analysised the condition of the
foods which imported from january to Junc ,2003 in Wenjindu port . Resules Total7 171 batch of foods , total
weight 96 767 tons ,total amount 82 840 000 US dollar were analysised ,and 852 batchs of defective foods were
checked out . The main reasons were defective food chinese label ,over residual of SO2 ,over colouring matter to
the national standard ,and failed to pass the organdeptie inspection. Conclusion The food chinese label should
be inspected more serionsy in the port ,furthrmore ,strengthen determinne the work of the quantity of SO2 and
artificical colouring matter ,attach importance to cooperate CIQ with Custom.
Key words Import food Fraction defective analysis Treatment measures
1 不合格食品情况
2003年1月份共检出不合格食品 852 批 ,其中
中文标签不合格842批 ,占不合格总批次的99 % ,实
验室检测理化指标超标 6 批 ,货主瞒报被海关查获
移交检验检疫局处理的4批 ,结果详见表1 ......