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http://www.100md.com 《新疆医科大学学报》 2006年第1期
     (新疆医科大学公共卫生学院劳动卫生与环境卫生学教研室, 新疆乌鲁木齐830054)

    摘要: 目的:评价汽柴油加氢精制装置职业性危害及建设项目职业病危害控制效果评价实施中存在的问题。 方法:根据建设项目职业病危害评价规范中规定的方法对克拉玛依市石化公司45×104t/a汽柴油加氢精制装置进行控制效果评价。结果:我国现阶段在进行建设项目职业病危害控制效果评价时现场采样标准和卫生评价标准脱节;评价中遇到了规范不太明确的问题,尤其是噪声等物理因素的评价计算问题;多数建设项目不向职业卫生服务机构申请建设项目职业病危害评价;有的建设项目在厂区和作业岗位未设置职业病危害的公告栏和警示说明,有关职业病防治的规章制度也不完善。结论:此控制效果评价项目职业卫生达到标准要求,基本符合国家有关职业卫生标准规范。职业病危害控制效果评价技术水平有待提高。职业病危害控制效果评价忽视了不良工作因素对健康的影响、工作相关疾病的评价及对管理、保健措施的评价。

    关键词: 石油化工;建设项目;职业危害;评价

    The occupational hazards assessment of gasdiesel hydrofining device and the discussion of existing problem in appraise system

    WANG Yingji, LIU Jiwen, TAN Weiguo, et al

    (Department of Labour and Environment Hygiene, College of Public Health, Xinjiang Medical University,Urumqi 830054, China)

    Abstract: Objective: To appraise the occupational hazards of petrochemical industry construction projects in Xinjiang, and to probe into the problems existing in construction project effective assessment while implementing. Methods: According to the methods rated in construction project occupational hazard evaluation norm, some effective assessment were undertaking to the 45×104t/a gasdiesel hydrofining device of Kelamayi Petrochemical Corporation. Results: The research has suggested, our country samples live while carrying on the construction project job critically ill and hurting the result of controlling and appraising at the present stage disconnect the standard criterion; Run into not very clear question, especially for noise appraisal, physics of factor calculated in appraising; Most construction projects are not applied for the construction project job and hurt and appraised critically ill to the hygiene service organization of the job; Some projects have not set up occupational hazards announcement board and warning statement, rules and regulations relevanted occupational diseases prevention and treating were not perfect etc, such several problems as mentioned above is anxious to wait for solveing in our country. Conclusion: The effective assessment projects accord basically with relevant national sanitary standard norm. The level of occupational hazards assessment needs to be improved. The effects from bad working factor to health, the workrelated disease assessment and management and prevention measures were neglected in the occupational hazards assessment. ......

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