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http://www.100md.com 范 烨, 王学浩, 张 峰, 李相成, 王 科,
肝细胞生长因子;造血干细胞;肝细胞范烨,王学浩,张峰,李相成,王科,钱晓峰.HGF质粒体内表达诱导脐血干细胞向肝系细胞分化. 世界华人消化杂志2006;14(8)767-771,HGF质粒


     范烨, 王学浩, 张峰, 李相成, 王科, 钱晓峰, 南京医科大学第一附属医院肝脏外科 江苏省南京市 210029

男, 1978-09-28生, 江苏无锡人, 汉族, 南京医科大学在读博士, 主要研究方向为肝再生、肝移植.

王学浩, 210029, 江苏省南京市广州路300号, 南京医科大学第一附属医院肝脏外科. wangxuehao@jsltc.cn


2006-03-14 接受日期: 2006-03-24

    In vivo expression of hepatocyte growth factor promotes differentiation of stem cells from umbilical cord blood into hepatocyte-like cells

    Ye Fan, Xue-Hao Wang, Feng Zhang, Xiang-Cheng Li, Ke Wang, Xiao-Feng Qian

    Ye Fan, Xue-Hao Wang, Feng Zhang, Xiang-Cheng Li, Ke Wang, Xiao-Feng Qian, Department of Hepatic Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029, Jiangsu Province, China

    Correspondence to: Professor Xue-Hao Wang, Department of Hepatic Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, 300 Guangzhou Road, Nanjing 210029, Jiangsu Province, China. wangxuehao@jsltc.cn

    Received: 2006-03-14 Accepted: 2006-03-24


    AIM: To observe the hepatocyte growth factor-induced differentiation of CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) from umbilical cord blood into hepatocyte-like cells.

    METHODS: Systemic administration of naked plasmid containing HGF cDNA driven under cytomegalovirus promoter (pCMV-HGF) were injected rapidly via the tail vein of the NOD/SCID mice, and the level of HGF protein in the peripheral blood was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. CD34+ human hematopoietic stem cells were isolated from umbilical cord blood by magnetic cell sorting method. 20mL CCl4 was administered into the mice to establish the model of acute liver damage and hepatocyte proliferation. pCMV-HGF injection and/or CD34+ human hematopoietic stem cells transplantation were performed on the model mice. Then the mortality of the mice and liver function recovery status were observed. Human specific mRNA and protein were also detected in the mice by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry, respectively (RT-PCR) ......
