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http://www.100md.com 《第四军医大学学报》 2002年第10期
     关键词: 白细胞介素8;大鼠;垂体,前叶;雌二醇

    摘 要:目的 研究孕鼠和大鼠性周期不同阶段以及大鼠体内雌激素水平变化对垂体前叶(Anterior pituitary,AP)内IL-8样免疫阳性物质表达的影响. 方法 免疫组织化学ABC法. 结果 IL-8样免疫阳性物质在雌性大鼠性周期不同阶段有所差异,在动情期,垂体边缘IL-8样强染阳性细胞数明显增多;妊娠20d大鼠的垂体前叶中央部分阳性细胞染色强度明显增加.双侧卵巢摘除大鼠和正常雌性大鼠皮下注射25μg·(kg·d)-1 苯甲酸雌二醇2wk后,也能观察到相同结果. 结论 大鼠体内雌激素水平能影响垂体前叶内IL-8样免疫阳性物质的含量.

    Effect of estrogen on interleukin┐8like immunore┐active substance in rat anterior pituitary

    ZHONG Yan-Qing ZHU Yun-Long WANG Gao-Feng ZHANG Wan-Hui CHEN Jian-Kang CAO Yun-Xing

    1 Department of Physiology,

    2 Department of Im-munology,Faculty of Preclinical Medicine,Fourth Military Medical University,Xi'an710033,China Keywords:Interleukin-8;rats;pituitary gland,anterior;estradiol

    Abstract:AIM To investigate changes in IL-8like im-munoreactive substance in the anterior pituitary(AP)of pregnant rats and rats at different estrous stages and in dif-ferent estradiol levels in vivo.METHODS Immunohis-tochemistry was used.RESULTS The IL-8like immunore-active substance changed during rat estrous cycles and numer-ous strongly stained cells were found in the shallow part of AP at the estrus stage.Increases in the intensity of IL-8im-munostaining in the central part of AP were found in rats with20days of pregnancy.Similar results were found at nor-mal or ovariectomized rats after the injection of25μg·(kg·d)-1 estradiol for two weeks.CONCLUSION Estradiol lev-el in vivo could influence the intensity of IL-8like immunore-active substance in AP. ......

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