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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代皮肤科学杂志》 2005年第4期
     【摘要】 目的 应用LacZ基因报告系统明确白念珠菌相转换特异基因HYR1上游脯氨酸相关的启动子片段。方法 采用PCR、基因重组、酵母转化和报告基因测活,比较不同HYR1基因上游1800bp内不同片段的启动子活性。结果 -400~-200bp区域存在启动调控活性,其他区域未见相关的启动活性。结论 在HYR1基因上游-400~-200bp间存在与脯氨酸相关的基因调控元件,β-半乳糖苷酶(LacZ)报告基因系统可以用来研究白念珠菌基因调控活性。

    【关键词】 白念珠菌;脯氨酸;基因

    Application of LacZ as reporter gene to research on promoter activity of candida albicans yeast-hyphal shift gene(HYR1)

    CHEN Jiang-han,WANG Xiao-jun,XU Hong,et al.

    Department of Dermatology,Changzhen Hospital,The Second Military Medical University,Shanghai 200003,China

    【Abstract】 Objective With PNG17(LacZ) as reporter gene to clarify the fractional activity of promoters concerned with proline from candida albicans yeast-hyphal regulation gene(HYR1).Methods Sequence between 1800bp upstream of the start of transcription and 43bp downstream of this site was investigated with serial 5′-deletion,the 5′-deletion promoters were recombinted with vector PNG17(LacZ) as reporter gene and the constructs were transiently transformed EGY48 yeast.Results -400~-200bp of candida albicans HYR1 gene had activity as promoter.Conclusion In the region of -400~-200bp of candida albicans HYR1 gene,there was regulatory element concerned with proline.PNG17(LacZ) as reporter gene is practicable. ......

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