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http://www.100md.com 《徐州医学院学报》 2006年第1期
     摘要 :癌症恶病质是晚期肿瘤患者的常见综合征,它主要由于蛋白质、脂肪和糖代谢严重紊乱而导致出现厌食、体重下降、骨骼肌消耗和乏力等恶病质表现。近年来认为其发病机制主要是肿瘤产物和宿主细胞因子(TNF-α、IL-1和IL-6)释放共同作用所致。因此目前针对癌症恶病质的药物治疗主要以促进食欲、抗分解代谢(抗细胞因子)和同化激素类药物为主,以改善患者生活质量和延长生存期。这类药物除了皮质醇激素和孕激素之外,还包括细胞因子拮抗剂、沙立度胺、己酮可可碱、鱼油、褪黑激素、支链氨基酸、中药等。

    关键词 :癌症;恶病质;药物治疗

    Progress in drug treatment of cancer cachexia

    SHI Hui-chang,DU Xiu-ping

    (Xuzhou Medical College,Xuzhou,Jiangsu221002,China)

    Abstract:Cancer cachexia is a common syndrome in advanced cancer patients,which is characterized by profound chang-es in protein,fat and carbohydrate metabolism,resulting in anorexia,weight loss,muscle wasting and poor performance status.In recent years,cachexia has been understood as the result of major metabolic abnormalities due to a combination of host cyto-kine release(TNF-α,IL-1,and IL-6)and tumor products.At present,the pharmacological treatments,including orexi-genic(appetite stimulants),anti-catabolic(and anti-cytokine)and anabolic agents,all aim to improve the quality of life and extend survival period.Pharmacological treatments,beside that of hydrocortisone and progestogen ......

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