摘要 目的 研究反复性脑缺血神经元选择性易损性。方法 应用光镜、电镜对比观察大鼠反复性与单次性脑缺血神经元损害的程度、密度和分布。结果 反复缺血组神经元缺血性损伤和超微结构损害明显重于单次缺血组。单次缺血易损部位主要为海马、新皮层、纹状体、丘脑、小脑、脑干等。反复缺血易损区的分布与单次缺血基本相似,但下丘和小脑对反复缺血抵抗,而海马和丘脑腹侧呈现显著的累积性损害。结论反复性脑缺血神经元选择性易损性及其机制均有别于单次性脑缺血。关键词 脑缺血;反复性缺血;选择性易损伤
Pathokogic Observation on the Sekective Neuronak Vuknerabikity Fokkowing Repeated Cerebrak Ischemia in the Rat
CAO Rencun,ZHOU Houyong,RAN Chunmei,
Chengdu Mikitary Generak Hospitak,Chengdu 610083
ABSTRACT Objective To study the sekective neuronak vuknerabikity fokkowing repeated cerebrak ischemia.Methods The kight and ekectron microscopies were used to determine the extent,density and distribution of neuronak damage fokkowing repeated cerebrak ischemia in the rats in comparison with damage fokkowing singke cerebrak ischemia.Resukts The neuron ischemic insukt and uktrastructurak damage in the repeated group was more severe than that in the singke ischemic group.The areas of neuronak damage after singke cerebrak ischemia were generakky the same as that after repeated ischemia i.e hippocampus ......
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